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Ahsoka barely noticed the door to her cell opened, her thoughts still on the experience she had in the shower. Her body still trembled but only slightly and she played with counting the tiles in the room to take her mind off it. The sound of metal made her attention refocus, she glanced at the doorway to see Maul, standing with his hands behind his back as always.

He noticed her clean state. "Ah you've been to the refresher I see, good."

Her hands gripped her legs tighter, Maul notices this and raises a brow. "Something...troubling you, young one?"

"The next time your apprentice has the brilliant idea of interrupting my shower, tell him to think otherwise."

It didn't take long for Maul to know what she met and she's surprised by the look of annoyance on his face.

"I apologise for my apprentice's behaviour, rest assured he will be punished."

Ahsoka didn't say anything and looked down at her hands, fingers gently fiddling with each other.

Maul stepped closer and she flinched, Ahsoka instantly hating her reaction and forced herself to calm down.

Come on Ahsoka, don't let Maul see anything other then you being unbothered by him. You can't afford to let him see any weaknesses!

Slowly she turned to face him and his annoyance was gone, replaced with an emotion Anakin always gave her when she was hurt.

No she shook her thoughts He doesn't feel guilty for his brother's actions, he's a Sith and they don't feel guilt.

He stepped back, hands behind his back again and left without a word. Moments later, Ahsoka doesn't know how long, he comes back accompanied by the same droid that brought her food and tea, and that's exactly what he brought her at this moment.

"Regain your strength." He said with a low voice as the droid pushed the cart to her. Ahsoka glances at him once more before moving to the cart, sitting cross legged at the edge of the bed as she begins to eat. She keeps a normal pace as she eats strips of meat and sips the warm tea, eyes glancing over to the Sith leaning against the doorway with closed eyes and crossed arms over his chest.

He seemed to sense she finished as he opened his eyes when her plate and cup was empty, he stands up and returns his hands behind his and looks at her.

"Come." He said. "Let us get some fresh air."

Ahsoka raises a brow before putting her cup on the tray and standing, the droid leaving the room followed by Maul and then Ahsoka, the door hissing shut behind him. Ahsoka follows behind Maul, the clanking of his metal feet drowning out the soft steps of her boots. They go to the main door she saw earlier while on her way to the refreshers, it opened revealing two heavily armed guards at the side of the door.

They had entered another hallway but this one was lightly lit like her cell and a small elevator at the end, guarded by two who entered after her and Maul. It was small and silent, and opened it's doors to reveal a floor. Once again Ahsoka followed behind Maul and took in her surroundings, the colour scheme was dark, in between black and grey. They were in a semi large room with guards posted along the way in front of the glass windows, her and Maul's footsteps echoing with every step on the marble floor. They go through another door and enter a room with large glass windows overlooking tall buildings, to her left are small steps leading to a throne with a glass stained painting behind it.

She knew this room, she has been here a few times while serving as a Jedi.

She's on Mandalore.

But how? I was nowhere near here when I left the Order! Why was Maul and Savage all the way in the Outer Rim? Exactly how long have I been here?

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