Ch.1: Arrival

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Editor Note: The first official chapter! Talon has decided to wait to write up any Author's Notes, as this is his first online publishing. Enjoy!


Victoria's POV

The sky is very beautiful. More exotic than I had imagined it to be. I haven't flown aboard a plane since I could barely talk and now I find myself back in the air headed to Canada. I smiled at the thought of old memories when I last spoke with my parents before boarding. I was at first terrified to be airborne. However, they were right when I complained. The air wasn't so bad after all. I could see everything from the window. Everything was very pleasant, though the food could have been more appetizing. 

My name is Victoria Elizabeth Hael and I'm an international student starting my freshman year in college. I’m seventeen years old and stand at about five feet and four inches, give or take a few. I have natural golden blonde hair complemented by a pale peach skin tone. I’d hoped to have bluish gray eyes like my mother, but inherited my father’s hazel brown eyes instead. I’m not complaining in the least. I inherited beautiful features from both parents whom I love and cherish to death. 

My home is in France although my family originally resided in the United States, but chose to relocate after I was three years old for a broader environment. I didn’t have many friends. It seemed pointless at the time seeing as my family and I travelled so frequently, but I did see many great places and met incredible people. Misery and I were the best of friends. I was enjoying reminiscing of the fond past with my parents, until I was sidetracked.

"Excuse me. Would you care for a pillow or anything, even company? It's a long ride sweetie and you look like you could use some conversation." A young man, who looked to be in his mid twenties, has asked me this same question every fifteen minutes for the past two hours.

"Listen, I was fine the first time you asked me when I boarded this plane and will continue to be after we land..." I glowered at him with a strained voice. 

My eyes narrowed as I gave him a most disgusted look. Normally I'm very kind and respectful, but this guy was just plain annoying. He finally got the message and for the eighth time and counting, left me alone. I sighed heavily and returned my gaze to the window. We landed in Canada after only a few hours. Once I had unloaded my bags, I was already to be expected. My dad had arranged for a cab to be ready upon arrival to take me straight to the new town where I would be staying and attending school. The cab driver was an old gentleman. He helped me with my bags and simply guided me to the taxi. After he placed them in the trunk, he turned and greeted me with a welcoming smile. An elderly man who in a way, looked similar to my dad, with a strange southern accent.

"Welcome to Canada, Ms. Hael. The arrangements were prepared a day before your arrival. Crescent Meadows is where you're going, correct?"

I nodded my head in agreement. 

"Yes, that's right. And please, I prefer my mother’s maiden name, Elizabeth." I replied.

Dad really knew how to work ahead of schedule. The cab driver smiled widely and turned to face the road and started the engine.

"Alright then, Crescent Meadows here we come. It's an hour drive so take the time to rest easy," the elderly man suggested.

We were off right away. I looked out the window to observe my surroundings. Upon exiting the airport, we started driving through endless wood areas. A straight narrow path on the highway with a few twists and turns here and there. I saw a few deer and watched the hawks fly in all directions whenever I spotted them. The nature here was pretty magnificent. Way better than the Discovery Channel. I giggled at the thought. 

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