Ch. 6: Timeless Love

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Editor's Note: So sorry for it being awhile since the last upload, but school started back and this site is blocked on their network. >.< Enjoy!


I could barely sleep last night. When I finally slept, I found myself in Salem's arms. He held me so gently, as if he were afraid he'd break me. I could smell his honeydew scent escaping his body and finding its way into my very being, making me feel light headed. He inched closer to my lips and my heart began to race. I bit down on my bottom lip anticipating the moment. I wanted his kiss so badly. I wanted to be his. I then awoke in the middle of the night disappointed, and a bit... bothered. I turned to my desk to see the time, only six o' clock. I frowned and huffed as I fell back into my pillows. It barely felt like I had slept at all. No thanks to him. Speaking of Salem, where was he? I peeked outside of my window to find the sun’s ray of light creeping over the campus and horizon of mountains and woods. 

"He's late..." I pouted, jumping out of my bed. 

Alibeth was wrapped in her own cocoon of blankets murmuring under her breath. Something about strawberries and whip cream. I dare not even try to understand what her dream was about. I quickly showered and half dried, ignoring the dampness in my hair rushing to meet Salem. I threw on a pair of black jeans and a long sleeve pink shirt with striped black outlines. I then grabbed my bag of books that I'd need for class later and rushed out the door. I decided not to wait for the elevator, since it moved slower than Father Time himself, and bolted down the stairs. I rushed down ten flights of stairs and almost had a few freak accidents along the way. Nonetheless, I made it to the first floor in one piece. I exited the building to see the sun now higher in the sky shining its ray of light upon me. A rare sight to see a clear sky in Crescent Meadows I assumed. Instantly, I realized I may have been lied to. 

Salem was a vampire after all. How could he possibly go out in the sunlight? I became so frustrated and betrayed, I wanted to scream. Then I felt a familiar chilling caress around my arms and jumped, turning quickly to find myself in Salem's embrace. His smile was ever welcoming and warming. He wore a black collared dress shirt that was unbuttoned a few paces revealing his beautiful brown skin and dark jeans. His hair was now in a ponytail that stretched to his shoulders. I didn’t feel so bad now for dressing casual.

"You're late. I was beginning to wonder if you had forgotten about me." He said calmly, brushing the bridge of his nose against my now semi-damped hair, taking in my scent, breathing in deeply then exhaling slowly with a slight moan.

"You smell exquisite." He complimented.

I shuddered at the sound of his voice, his touch, everything. My cheeks turned a bright cherry red as I looked him in his eyes that matched the tone of my rose pedaled cheeks. 

"You can go in the sunlight without turning to ash?" I questioned in disbelief. 

Salem made a triumphant grin at the question. He was enjoying this way too much. He placed my hand upon his left cheek and gave it a light kiss, also taking the opportunity to familiarize himself with my scent, taking another whiff of me.

"Is it hard to accept what you were taught to believe and what you are now witnessing? All are mere fairytales, rumors, and pure lies. We vampires merely lose half of our potential abilities during the day... Like now, I am only capable of hearing a person’s thoughts one mind at a time during the day. It’s very annoying." He declared. 

"So crosses..." I curiously questioned. He shook his head slowly. 

"I actually fancy them." He mentioned, then allowed one of his arms to stop touching the surface of my skin, which I was unsatisfied with I might add, and reached under the collar of his black shirt to reveal a small silver cross embedded in rubies. I marveled at its beauty and found myself reaching for it, then hesitated looking at him. 

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