Ch. 14: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust...

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Editor Note: Hey guys! So this is the second to last chapter of the first book. A second book is in the process and will be posted once Talon gets about half way through. Hope you enjoy!


We continued our journey towards the Valhahns and allied Taurent clan. Salem carried me effortlessly at blinding speed within the dark forest. I feared that Alibeth and her sisters were left far behind, but Salem assured me they were flanking him. I dared not even open my eyes for too long, afraid of becoming dizzy at the very attempt to catch an image of our surroundings. I clenched my arms tighter around Salem's neck, he wasn’t even bothered by my sudden grip and neither slowed his pace. 

"How far are we from Corvenus?” I asked.

"Not too far now. I can't risk projecting my thoughts towards Corvenus in fear Magnus might hear them. He must believe I am dead. We are within his territory and are at his mercy. Any given sign of my presence will instantly alert him and the element of surprise will be lost. The best I can effort is to trail what little scent I have of Corvenus. This entire area is polluted with that demonic stench and is making it difficult for me to trace him." Salem informed.

I became curious. "Can every supernatural being read thoughts?" I wondered. It seemed second nature for supernatural entities.

Salem chuckled. Amused by the question and considerable strain of thought he was surely reading from me.

“No, my beloved. As far as I know, Corvenus and I are the only ones who can communicate through our thoughts by instinct, with the exception of Amyria being human capable of projecting her thoughts and the werewolves. Traits are usually passed down from maker to creation and sometimes new abilities are awakened." He explained.

I was intrigued. So there would be a possibility that I would gain Salem's ability to read thoughts too (Courtesy of Corvenus, bless his eternal heart) and maybe even have a gift of my own. I smiled at the thought. I highly doubted there was anything remarkable about me having an amazing new ability. I may not even have powers and be a normalvampire. 

Salem laughed at the thought. Yet again he invaded my thoughts.

"You are not by any means normal. When you become a vampire, I am sure you will gain an ability that will be incomprehensible." He assured.

His focus then trailed away from me and our pace slowed dramatically, then stopped dead in his tracks. His body stiffened. Had we run into more lurker demons? I prayed to God not. I opened my eyes to view our surroundings. Nothing but dark forest and the pale moonlight was all I could see. I was sure Salem could see more than what my mere human eyes could register. I didn't want to risk giving away our position by making noise and communicated my thoughts to him.

"Salem, what's wrong?" I asked cautiously.

"We've been spotted. I can't register a scent. The lurker demons have their scent all over this area. I could barely trail Corvenus's scent, remember? Hold on tightly, Victoria." Salem ordered, assuming a low crouch as he stared beyond the darkness.

I did as he instructed at once. Alibeth and her sisters followed behind, already readying themselves based off of Salem's battle ready pose.

"I got your back, Salem." Alibeth insured.

"It is not I you need be focused on. Protect Victoria." He corrected.

"What can you tell us, boy? Are we outnumbered?" Anastasia asked.

"It's unclear... I say there are at least ten unknown entities headed this way. They have us surrounded and are closing in quickly." Salem hissed.

"The odds are stacked hard against us. We must do our best to defend ourselves. Stick close." Artemis instructed.

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