Ch. 2: Crescent University

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Editor Note: Well Talon is just blown away at the few comments received so far and is still on edge about continuing to post. Right now he is absorbing the fact that so many people can access his story now. ^.^ Enjoy!


Once we arrived on campus it was as if the sun was banned from ever shedding its light upon the site. The evening sky was filled with bright orange and chiming winds of whispers. The driver exited his vehicle and popped the trunk gathering my things as I stepped out and stretched a little. Still bewildered by the surreal atmosphere surrounding me.

"It ain’t as bad as it looks, darling,” he says in a haggard voice. “Crescent University holds many students like yourself from all over the world. I do this on a regular." He smiled confidently.

He was very proud for his contributions. 

"I see. It must be exciting." I wasn't being sarcastic.

To be able to meet different people from around the world seemed to have its advantages. 

"Do you know where I can find the administration office?" I asked politely.

His smile was gentle and understanding as he pointed ahead of me towards what looked like a clock tower. I was astonished by its ancient appeal, staring wide eyed. 

"That's it over there. Marvelous ain't she? Why she still looks the same when I attended forty years ago. Comes to show you, nothing ages in Crescent Meadows. Well, except this old bag of bones you see." He let out a laugh that sounded more of a howl in his own stab at his age.

I couldn't help but smile. It was ironically funny. I gave a short curtsy before grabbing my bags as he returned my gesture with a most appropriate bow of his own, impressive for a man his age. 

"Thank you so much, I hope you make a safe return to the airport." I said as I grabbed my things. 

He helped with a few of the heavy ones I had trouble getting and placed them over my shoulders. 

"Oh, no need to worry. You'll see me a lot actually. I come to and from this place all the time. Stanley Redfield is my name. Might as well get used to seeing me." He chuckled as he assisted me. I was having trouble getting up from all of my belongings.

Next time I'll pack lighter, I thought. I looked at him and gave a warm smile.

"Victoria Elizabeth. A pleasure meeting you, Mr. Redfield. Can I rely on you to show me more of the town in the near future?" I asked most curiously.

He raised an eyebrow amused.

"I'm in the yellow pages. You can always reach me there," he laughed yet again and shook his head. "I must be going though. I've much to do. You do well and take care of yourself and stay focused in school. No fooling around with the boys or too many parties. You kids now a days are more wild than a forest fire." I understood him completely and nodded smiling cheerfully. 

"I understand. Thanks for your concern," saying politely as I walked off towards the clock tower of administration.

I was more than eager to get my dorm key and call it a day. That was the last time I saw Mr. Redfield as he drove off disappearing within the darkness. I struggled with the massive bags, but I finally made it to the building. I walked in exhausted. A woman in her thirties wearing a business attired dress greeted me at the desk.

"Welcome to Crescent University. How may I be of assistance to you?"  She offered.

As if the answer weren't obvious. A young girl carrying bags that nearly outweighed her must have been a regular for this person. As annoying as the question was, I spoke kindly with a faint smile.

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