Ch. 12: Blood Feud-Magnus

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Editor Note: So the story is coming along nicely and the reads are so much more than he initially expected. Enjoy!


Salem’s POV

My body ached all over. The relentless thirst that raged with a burning passion caused a whirlpool of pain knotting up my insides. I needed blood. I was in a fetal position lying across the ground like an infant in the womb. I slowly began to open my eyes and even within the darkest matters of space, these vampire eyes could see every trace of detail within that very darkness. Picking my body off the ground and mustering to my feet proved more difficult with each push of energy I put into my arms and legs. I had no reserved strength and with my thirst building, I grew ever weaker. 

Slowly I began putting the pieces together and recalled the previous battle with Magnus at Crescent University. Magnus had set up a trap within a trap, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make his move towards his true target: me. Victoria was a diversion this entire time to make me soften up and give Magnus the chance he needed to leave my family blind and take me hostage. He knew Father would come if he succeeded. He wants to eradicate my entire clan in one night. 

I stood up fully and began scanning the area with my keen sight to find that I was in some kind of ancient ruins. Timeless statues of demons the likes I had never seen stood marvelously, decayed from what seemed eons of aging through the sands of time. The entire area reeked of rotted flesh combined with the foul stench of Lurker Demons. This was their lair. Magnus had brought me into the western parts of the demon lands. If that were the case, that meant I was unable to link my mind with Corvenus and tell him where I was located. The distance was too great. 

I leaned against the moist ruins of the far side walls and grasped my throat. I was searching for any sign of life. A rat would have sufficed, though I don't recommend them. Animal's blood was all I'd need, but call me spoiled. The rat simply was not as satisfying and the blood grew cold quickly. My feral instincts craved the forbidden blood of a human.

The area where I found myself now began to echo the mocking laughter of Magnus. He stepped from the ancient double doors as a few lurker minions followed behind him in unison. He stretched his arms out as if offering me peace.

"My dear friend. Welcome to my homeland. I've brought a gift for you." Magnus spoke sincerely.

"I hope it's your life." I hissed bitterly. 

Magnus's arms retracted and his pleasant smile faded.

"Unfortunately, I cannot offer you Grade A nutrition. However," He mused. Now motioning his hand for one of the lurkers to come before him and placed it a few feet in front of me between us. "I can at least give you a well substitution. A sacrifice. A life for a life." Magnus smiled revealing his row of razors.

I was struggling with myself. I could see the veins of the lurker demon pulse vibrantly from its fear of being devoured and this only excited me more to drain it dry. I sprinted at god-like speed towards my prey, my fangs inches from its vulnerable throat. Then I felt the unbreakable force that shielded it from my clutches and repelled me against the ruined walls. That same invisible force had pushed me aside from my target and only frustrated me more. I wanted its blood. I looked to the lurker then to Magnus and with a speed even I was unaware of, I was inches from Magnus with intent to kill. I wanted his blood the most. Yet still that very same phenomenal force lashed its overwhelming power against me and flung me through the ruined walls. I thrashed and tossed against the rubble and debris, sliding lower on the slopes of the ancient cavern until my body halted by the edge of a massive lake. My wounds were severe and without blood, they healed slower than that of a human's. A stream of blood flowed slowly from my forehead between my eyes as if I were crying.

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