| hate me |

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Welcome back ,hope you like this one ,loves :)
Let's go!!!!

I hate myself ,so much..I wanna die .

My parents were out of town for the week ,so it was just me .I didn't go to school today..no ones gonna notice anyway ,c/n will .I was depressed ,all my life .I hated myself more then anything ,all I want to do is kill my self and never be missed .

It's now 3:00 ,c/n should be out of school soon..he's probably worried about why I didn't go today ,I laid in bed ,not moving at all .


I heard my front door open ,hearing his voice ,he walked upstairs and into my room ,seeing me so sad made him wanna cry .

"Y/n?"he asked ,I Didn't answer ."Babygirl?are you okay?"he asked walking to me .

"I'm fine."i lied ,he obviously wasn't buying it .

"What's wrong? ,you weren't at school today ,please tell me ."he pleaded ,I then sat up and started crying ,he immediately pulled me into his chest ."what's wrong?"he asked again .

"I hate myself ."i told him ."I've always have ."i added .

"Why?your beautiful and amazing ."he asked .

"No one sees my pain ,no one cares about me ,they hate me ,I hate me ."i explained .

"Hey ,no they don't .I don't hate you ,I love you .your an amazing girl who I'm lucky to have in my life ."he smiled and kissed my forehead .

"I love you too ."i whispered .

But..I still hate myself .


7:30 pm .

I'm done ,my pain hurts ,I'm hurting .I wanna die ,and that's what I'll do .

I got up from bed ,seeing c/n asleep ,we sleep early .I kissed his lips one last time ."i love you ."i whispered .I then walked out of my room ,walking downstairs and put his hoodie on .I left the house ,and walked to the bridge i lived close by .

I got there and looked down to see how deep it was ,I hesitated .I climbed up and stood there ,I looked back ,empty .I looked at the sky ,dark ,very dark .I'll be there soon .

C/n's POV -

I woke up ,I saw my beautiful angel wasn't beside me .I panicked .I walked downstairs but she wasn't anywhere ,I found my hoodie was gone ,she left...I immediately ran out the door and started running ,trying to find my girlfriend .I yelled and screamed ,I then saw a girl standing on a edge to the bridge .it wasn't any girl...it was y/n .

I ran to her ,and grabbed onto her waist ,pulling her down .

Your POV -

As I was about to jump ,I felt hands around my waist .I turned around and saw c/n with tears in his eyes ,he pulled me down still staring at me .

"Why?"is all he asked ."why would you want to kill your self?"he asked again .

"I told you...I hate myself ."i told him ,he hugged me tighter .

"Stop ,please stop Hating yourself ,your beautiful and amazing ,loved ,cared for ,worth it ,and gorgeous ."he told me .

"I'm sorry ."I cried out .

"It's okay baby ,please don't do this again,I can't lose you ."he whispered .

"I promise ,I love you ."i smiled .

"I love you too ."he smiled .


Sorry if this is bad :(

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