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Backupsmore 1970
Ford’s POV
Backupsmore, Everyone’s least favorite second choice college, but it was still a decent college considering more than half of the applicants were full of West Coast Tech almost picks, I almost went to my dream school, but when my science project was ruined by Stanley in High School, I had to go to my back up school. I began my first semester taking eight classes, I knew it wasn’t West Coast Tech, but I could stand out here just as much as I would have stand out there. Walking to Psychology, I remember arriving late from chemistry after correcting a professor on their equation when all the seats were taken. Only one next to a girl who was reading. Walking down the aisles to sit at the only empty seat. I soon set everything up only to look at the girl. The girl had some notebooks out with beautifully written notes and some incredibly detailed diagrams. As I looked over to her books, the girl soon lifted her head from her novel and looked at me curiously. The female had clear ivory skin, long onyx hair tied in a messy ponytail, and hand me downs from a thrift shop. As the female pushed her glasses up she examined me further.

Bracing for an insult or the inevitable comment, the female instead smiled before greeting me like a normal classmate, “Hello there, Stanford right?”

“Hello...that is my name, but do I know you?”

The female smiled and said, “Probably not, I am sort of the notekeeper in this class and am only needed before a quiz, or a test. My name is Evelyn. Most people I know call me anything other than that as it'sa granny name.”

Chuckling nervously I stammered out, "It's n-not a granny's name in my book, my name sounds like an old man anyways."

Evelyn seemed to enjoy that remark as she shut her book and focused her attention on me, this is a first Ford don't mess it up.

Chuckling as she did so she looked at me and said, "In my book, Stanford sounds like a badass name."

Finally smiling myself I soon said, "Evelyn sounds pretty."

"Oh shush you are trying to butter me up for note now huh?" As she gave me a playful shrug, I chuckled before defending myself.

"You are trying to butter me up with your words for my research."

Laughing at me, Evelyn seemed to enjoy this moment, just as I got my things out, the pretty female finally took notice of one of my greatest insecurities,

"Whoa, you got a pair of polydactly hands."

She finally took notice of my hand, just as I was about to hide it away the female grabbed my hands as she said, “that’s so cool! Whoa I have never seen it in real life, I only heard of it, due to unnatural occurrences with radioactive waste and some rare genes, but never in person only in books. Can I have a closer look?”

Taking a moment to process her words, I nodded and held it out The female glanced and said, “Quite fascinating. Your hands are from a genetic mutatio Stanford? This is absolutely cool”

I was so surprised I caught myself saying without thinking, “No one has said that to me.”

Smiling brightly Evelyn said, “Whoever said that, they are brain dead then because you are cool in my book.”
Just as I smiled and looked at my hand Evelyn soon said, "I won't be able to ask you our life story because of our wacky professor but I would like to keep talking to you, do you have a phone?"



I wanted to ask her more, but our crazed professor began our lecture on a rowdy note before the pompous wacko began to speak before throwing a bucket of water to show the effect of tears. As I felt a tang of disappointment, the female slipped a note to me and reading it, I smiled unconsciously as the simple words on the sheet asked,

"Want to meet for lunch later to finish our discussion?"

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