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Evelyn's POV.

If one were to tell me, in the span of 6 years I would get great love, great family, and great friends. I would call you crazy, and my mother would shoo one away while I dream of a free life. Now I was living that dream.

See growing up my mother and father were special cases, we came from Korea to escape war with my American father, but the minute they saw perfection. The goddamn first minute they saw it, they wanted to achieve it.  I remember they gazed at the American 1950s with such admiring perspectives they wanted to achieve the poisonous thing called perfection. I was kept under a parasol most of my life and wore frilly dresses they handmade. It was cute yes, but my younger sister enjoyed the dresses more than me. I preferred watching her reactions over mine and reading books from the local library.

We grew up in a small town in California, my mom talked her way into working at a high end nail salon for celebrities at the time, working 7 years before focusing as a housewife. My father was a hardworking man who was a business man. He was nice most of the time, but what ended up happening was he let the 50's craze cloud his mind and he begam saying some pretty sexist things. My younger sister Evangeline, was the light of my life then. She was a smiling cuddly girl, who loved dresses and fairytales as much as she loved me. She made our overbearing parents easier to deal with. She would always come to give me hugs when times were bad. We would go on walks to get ice cream, and would explore the beach. Those were the happiest times of my life.

My mother and father began to bring up my intelligence when I started using bigger words in sentences and when I corrected my 5th grade math teacher, and she called the office only for the 8th grade teacher to prove I was right. My mother took advantage of this saying how I would bring glory to our family.  My father thought it would be useful to the man I was going to marry. See I didn't like the pressure to think to their norms so I did the logical thing to avoid a beating. I gnored their words and focused on finding my own dream. I liked a couple things at the time, books, drawing diagrams, mysteries, various gadgets, and how they were made. With whatever part I had I remember I began making all sorts of things from a homemade dollhouse for Eva, (what I called my sister) to a police station with working lights that was super cute, and a Book Shelf with a lamp arm where I read my own books I saved up for all nights barely gettng sleep.

Entering Highschool, my mom reinvented my image making sure I would be pretty enough to find a man. She made me take lessons to my wits end in singing, dancing, violin, and much much much more. We got my braces removed, and I got friends in school once I did reaffirming how shallow these people. The once nerdy Eve, was now the beautiful swan with brains who everyone wanted to connect with one way or another. I had to close yself off at the time, but I was forced to socialize at events, and let's just say. I am happy all of this in in the past.

My mother wanted me to be a housewife, and my dad wanted me to do so too. I wanted to go to college, so in the science fair I began designs for a automating revolving skewer and fame to cook meat on. I worked hard to get the permission for flame work and everything. The Principal called me in saying how he did me a favor and got recruiters to West Coast Tech to come and see my presentation, However, my project was stolen and made better by including color. Rachel Green took my project even though teachers told recruiters of West Coast Tech it was my idea, they gave the full ride to Rachel Green and left me in the dust.

I remember being in despair and losing spirit. I would barely eat and was doing everything without my passion or signature sass energy. Many people were shocked by my transformation. Rachel Green tried to approach me but I shrugged her off anyway possible. I did not want to be reminded, what could have been. What I did not realize was there were lying rats under my nose. Two of them in my house.

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