|6| New Friends, New Steps

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Evelyn's POV

"Wait so did he really pop the question when you two were bruised from that monster?"

"Yes, Emily! He was dreamy and sweet, He reminded me that he has grown as a person and how far he has come since we met. I feel so happy to soon be Mrs. Pines!"

"That's so good for you, I was worried. Stanford as the 40-year virgin, I would have never seen popping a question so romantically."

"Hey! We did have coitus so he is not that! Well- but look where we are right now. Oh yeah, when are you supposed to come with Ryan?"

"Soon, Min-jun and I will be there and I will open my clinic so we can hang out every day."

"I hope so I miss you!"

"I miss you too, Hey I got to get to work, you keep busy and tell me when you guys feel ready."

"Alright but that won't be for a while. For now, tell me when you are in town!"

"Okay okay, I'll write to you and I depart next month, hopefully, I can see you two up here again."

"Same see you best friend."

"Alright, See you."

As I hung up the phone from speaking to Emily, I smiled to myself. Yesterday, Stanford popped the question, now we are fiancees, is that how that works? I don't know. However, we both have things to accomplish before marriage. So we are in no rush. Beginning to prepare a simple breakfast and some coffee, I knew today was cool off day from all of the craziness. Walking down to his study and knocking, I chirped, "Stanford~ I made you some coffee, eggs with vegetables, grilled chicken, and a small bowl of rice~ I got to go do some herb collection after this so~"

Blinking when he did not answer my greeting, I opened the door and said, "Ford?"

Seeing his body sprawled out on the desk with his journal next to him, it was clear he woke up early and began work once again Smiling I quickly wrote a note and tousled his hair gently setting down the note in his hand, I soon walked back to the door and said, "Good night sweet scientist. " Walking back upstairs, I soon began making more bacon for myself and I began eating it slowly. As I did I looked at the ring suddenly I heard a yawn and suddenly turning, I saw my fiance, Smiling at him, I said, "Morning. How are you today?"

Stanford suddenly walked quietly and hugged me from behind. I blushed and leaned forward saying, "Stanford? Are you okay?"

Nodding he lifted his head and said, "I need nourishment before the next round of specimens is examined."

I smiled at him and said haughtily, "If you want to say you want breakfast before work, say you want breakfast before work, the jargon is cool but sometimes just be blunt, otherwise I think you want something else."

He gave me a hearty chuckle and pats my shoulder before moving to his seat saying, "You are always the same Eve huh?"

I nodded and said confidently, "I would never change."

He smiled and soon tried to say, "Saranghaeyo." his pronunciation was spot on but his flow was wrong.

Pausing for a moment I chuckled before teasing in Korean, "Honey your Korean is still horrible, better but not native,"

Stanford smiled and tousled my hair affectionately, and said, "I can still understand it."

Making his plate having heaps of grilled chicken, and some vegetables, I hand it to him and as he began to eat he soon said,

Teammates  (Gravity Falls fan fic) [Ford Pines x OC]Where stories live. Discover now