|4| Bond

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Evelyn's POV

"Ow! that one hurt."

"Hold on Ford."

In front of the crackling fire near our unfinished cabin, I was taking out splinters from the hand of Stanford. Applying some antibiotic cream on the parts I removed splinters from, I was taking care of Ford. He recklessly got in a fight with the tree monster who took our car. Fortunately he used the electro ball in time and burned that motherflipper. Right now it was cool down time, and time to mess with the fire to try to cook some grub.

I bought a metal cast iron plate in Cali, and a pot from my dorm. Since we were going basic for a while, I made kimchi back at Backupsmore. Grilling the kimchi, and the cured meat we bought for tonight, I filled the pot with some water from the town. It's amazing what you can get for stopping a tree monster. Making some korean ramyeon with the noodles I dried out back in California, I sat there watching the food cook. Cooking and letting Ford rest, I was humming to myself. As I did Ford soon sighed,

"First night of investigation and we already got banged up huh?"

"You got banged up, I made sure to observe the surroundings and proceed with caution."

"I know to do so, but the monster left me with no options but to fight."

"Please be careful, I don't want my boyfriend to be sashimi before we see our new house. Please promise me,"

As I looked at him, I soon saw he averted my gaze. I frowned before moving closer to him. The fire crackling took over the silence as Ford just studied anything else but me. Soon sitting right next to him, I made him talk one way or another, by reminiscing

"You remember the first night we spent together, not like that, but at that library. Remember we were on a stakeout but I got so tired. You placed your jacket over me when I fell asleep. I remember you doing that and looking at that photo. I remember wantng to protect you then so you can see what you yearn for again, you know. Just as you wish to protect me, let me protect you from dangerous research and lets document it together."

Ford just looked at me with a small smile, I found myself with a smile as he scooted closer. Looking down at myself as the pot boiled, Ford soon assured,

"I believe we are on the right track Evelyn, and thank you for your words, I am sorry for not thinking of your worries. I will be more careful when dealing with the supernatural, for you. Focus on what you want to do here now on. This house is for you as well so whatever you want to do, we will work to accomplish our goals."

Pondering to myself, I smiled thinking of what I wanted to do. Ford would be focused on his studies of the supernatural, I wanted to help him make gadgets and explore the local wildlife. I wanted to also work with Emily Han and hopefully make a competent clinic for the town. Sitting there I knew I wanted to do a lot but there was one thing I wanted to do most.

"I would appreciate that too but what I want to do most is grow with you as a human, to see how far we can go together. I want to see where this wil lead us, but most of all, I want to experience this new landscape and see everything in this town. There is more to explore here than in California."

Ford chuckled at my words, I found myself giggling at it as well. As our laughter filled the air, the pot boiled over. I immediately began mixing the noodles before adding a block of seasoning from the convenience store. I stirred the sodium loaded soup and pulled the grilled kimchi off of the flame. Getting the plastic bowls, I began making Ford a bowl. Adding the kimchi and soup, I immediately handed Ford the bowl. He sets it down and said,

"Evelyn thank you, I'll eat in a moment,"

"Yeah it just came off the heat, do not burn yourself."

Teammates  (Gravity Falls fan fic) [Ford Pines x OC]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя