|2| Affection

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*Quick A/N Sorry for the grammar mishaps any problems I try to fix. Enjoy the story.
***4 Years Later***
Ford's P.O.V
"Gravity Falls, Oregon? Do you truly believe that is where you will find your answers?"

"This book and many stories out of the little lumber town beckon me otherwise."

The hard part of the last years of college was deciding what to actually do to fulfill your life. I had always questioned anomalies and how they came to fruition. Studying them at a prime place where weirdness is close by would make things easier. I wanted to go to Gravity falls, Oregon to try and find a place where I woud fit in with my six fingers. I just wanted to know if Evelyn wanted to go with me as we were together.

Our freshman year, we were friends for a year before I managed to ask her out. The attempt failed miserably as we were investigating the library in our school, Evelyn ended up asking me out. She lets me keep the credit. She and I both moved forward in education faster than most within the school as we both decided to not let most get in our way. Evelyn graduated in the spring with her fourth Master's degree and she curently worked for a lab nearby who are studying where diseases originate in the human body. She mainly illustrates diagrams and gives theories. She is brilliant in the field but it's not her passion. She finds my studies interesting and enjoys to tinker with fiddleford on computers.

Currently showing her my diagrams, Evelyn in her lab coat said, "The probability some sleeping lumber town havng the answers is improbable, but with your studies, we can defy those odds."

Pushing my glasses up I admittingly hesitant asked, "Are you willing to come with me then?"

Evelyn mused saying, "Drop everything I have worked on with Back Medical Engineering co. Join you on a journey of a lifetime to find if goblins exist. I will need some time, as I don't intend to be a sitting duck there. I will be hands in as long as we are a team. I just need to think some things through.  Right now it's a maybe."

Suddenly at my door, stood Emily Han, a fellow Korean American to Evelyn who speaks to her in Korean, she and I get along but our friendship is unique.

"Sooyoung! We should go, they have meat on sale today and we should definitely get ourselves some." At first speaking in Korean she immediately switched to English and said to me in her regular bothersome voice, "Oh well if it isn't the forty-year-old virgin."

"Eunhae! That's embarrassing."

"The virgin never minds! right?"

Sighing exhasustingly I quipped Emily, "At least I don't sleep with every hot nerd I find."

"We are young! I am going to live how I want with safety."


Evelyn looked to her wits end with us two and we barely got in a paragraph of insults in. Evelyn pinched the bridge of her nose and said first in Korean, "Eunhae, wait outside I will join you soon."

Emily Han stuck out her tongue at me, I just chuckled it off, before Evelyn came to me and kissed my cheek surprisingly. Rubbing it, Evelyn smiled at me and began to say.

"I'll give you my answer in a week, I need to sort some thing out so you focus on your studies. Remember to rest and take care of yourself."

Smiling at her initially held my hand out to stroke her face, but moving my hand back I turned and immediately said, "You too, take care of yourself."

Offering a bright smile, Evelyn immediately pressed a peck on my lips before running off. Smiling to myself, I did not realize Fiddleford had entered the room. Fiddleford held some diagrams and began to say,

Teammates  (Gravity Falls fan fic) [Ford Pines x OC]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz