|7| Reunion

8 1 0

1981 summer

Ford and I have been living together for over 6 years since 1975 and it has its ups and downs. Stanford and I originally decided to marry in 1979 but this boy got himself trapped in a cave the day we were supposed to register, so I pushed it off. To be fair, married or not, he and I were still partners in Gravity Falls. We were together through thick and thin. Right now, however, Ford hit a rut in his research. He keeps banging the blackboard downstairs in his frustration. It got very serious. The source of Gravity Falls weirdness was so elusive to him, he began to lose hope. I believe in him, however, and he can make it through. He did however find hope recently and has been meditating more, but he won't tell me what happened. Maybe it's not that important

I have been researching and working part-time at the only functioning clinic with Emily, She had a better relationship with the town than my fiance so taking the job there I learned to socialize with the various folk and offer them help and small favors when I can. When I got home I offered my all to Stanford to help him with whatever and we had agreed to be a team. This changed however one day.

When I was brooming and polishing the wooden floors of the cabin, I heard a knock on a door, and standing away from the mop I immediately headed to the door. Opening it, I saw a pleasant surprise smiling at the familiar friend with half of a dozen suitcases, I exclaimed excitedly, "Fiddleford! You are here."

Fiddleford was at the door in the flesh. The genius from that hog farm in Tennesse was more matured, with a young family already and everything. He was living in Palo Alto had a bag full of various tools, scraps, and goggles. Placing the goggles on my head he said, "Yeah I am, those are for you for your own protection. Now, where is good ole Ford?"

Pointing him in the direction and picking up his heavy metal I said, "Downstairs on the new bottom floor, level three cannot miss it."

Fiddleford smiled and said, "Alright." Holding out a bag and some wires, he said, "This is scrap and Ford's predictions may indicate we may need firearms. You have several degrees in engineering, think you can come up with things?"

Taking the bag off of Fiddleford's hands I paused and thought, "Fiddleford, I haven't done those things in ages but yes I do have degrees and these parts are impressive and I should take advantage of it." Taking a pause and remembering the various monsters in the town, I clenched the bag and sighed, "But I am not idiotic, many things have happened here, I will. Just do me a favor, Make sure you both eat enough, and anytime you need anything tell me. I'll be up here. The plants in this town are so fascinating"

Fiddleford nodded and pats my shoulders saying, "I believe now I got a trans-universal poly-dimensional meta vortex that is mathematically feasible to build with Stanford. We will work on it and you focus on making those at your own pace."

Looking down at the things in the bag as Fiddleford walked down, I soon muttered to myself, "trans-universal...Stanford never mentioned these things to me, we are supposed to be a team... Maybe it's not that important right?" Looking at the bag, I soon got some paper and began to draft some plans for several weapons to take out monsters. I worked on these designs for most of the afternoon trying to get my mind off of the whole question. 

Fiddleford took our spare bedroom and was unpacking and beginning to set up an office down in the study. I had some pork belly in marinade from yesterday. I would make some rice and other side dishes. I knew it was a good idea to get those extra bowls.

Setting up some pickled vegetables and kimchi, I made several side dishes and japchae to welcome our new guest. Humming I began grilling the pork of the stove and some octopus for some leanness. Tomorrow I would make grilled fish as Ford likes it. For tonight it was time to celebrate. Fiddleford was already ham boning while thinking and he was adorable doing so. Pulling out his banjo he smiled and asked, "Do you mind?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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