From the Window To The Wall

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From the Window To The Wall

"Hey, don't sell yourself short, Addie. Y'know, because you're tall and all."

"You know, he never looked at me that way. He never loved me that much," Addison sighs as she says to her... Mark Sloan.

"But I did," Mark sighs and looks at Addison hopefully.

"But you did," Addison sighs back and offers him a sad sort of smile.

"But that doesn't matter now, does it?" Mark asks Addison rhetorically.

"No, I guess it doesn't," Addison confirms, as she looks up at Mark again, and away from the way that Derek is staring intently at Meredith.

"Because the way you're looking at her now... You never looked at me that way. Nor Derek. Not either one of us, really," Mark confesses, surprising Addison with his ambitious and perceptive kind of a comment.

"No, Mark, no. I wasn't- I didn't-. I was looking at Derek-" Addison cuts in, frowning at Mark because she knows he's more right than she wants to let on.

"Addison. I know you. I've known you for years, better than anyone. You don't have to hide from me. You can be who you are," Mark says softly.

"It's not about who I am, Mark. It's who I'm not. I'm not McSteamy. I'm not McDreamy. I'm not someone she could want like that. Oh, and by the way, this conversation? Is one that we're pretending to be absolutely NOT having-" Addison gestures.

"Hey, don't sell yourself short Addie. Y'know, because you're tall and all," Mark guffaws, as Addison play-slaps him.

"Hey," Addison mimics.

"Okay, but in all truthfulness, I don't think you need to worry about being McDreamy and/or McSteamy. Seeing as she's already been through hell with the both of us, she might as well start fresh with somebody, right?" Mark suggests to her.

"That still doesn't solve the problem of her not being... Into me..." Addison minces her words as tries to come up with something generic.

"You're Addison. You operate on unborn babies. How could she not be into that?" Mark smiles. "And c'mon, I could hardly blame her right? Meredith is a catch. If I wasn't already done sleeping with people who dated Derek, then I'd throw my hat in the ring for her, for sure," Mark adds on for extra measure.

"So I turned you off of sleeping with Derek's women?" Addison teases.

"I think missing Derek was enough of a deterrent all on its own," Mark offers, and Addison smiles again.

"So you're not mad that I'm officially over you for romantic purposes because I'm standing here stalking my ex-husband's ex-girlfriend through a window?" Addison asks him.

"Nah," says Mark. "Hey look, you and Derek and I, we're all the same. We have great taste," Mark grins.

"You really do know how to lighten the mood, don't you," Addison chuckles.

"Hey, it's what I'm here for. That and for the facelifts," Mark also chuckles.

"You know if we ever did, hypothetically get together, that we would never be sending you pictures, right?" Addison says sternly to him.

"Right. But I can just imagine my own pictures right?" Mark smirks at her.



"Dirty mistress-"


"You know, you're not a bad guy Mark. You're not perfect, and we would never work as a couple, but you're still one of my best friends. And I'm happy about that," Addison smiles.

"You're not too bad yourself Addison. We can be friends. I want in on all of your lesbian lady gossip."

"There is no gossip."


"You keep saying that."

"Don't lie and tell me it's not making you hopeful."

"Of course not."

"You're a terrible liar."

***** FIN

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