From the Window To The Wall 8

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From the Window To The Wall 8

What surprises Addison about her date with her is that it begins in the grocery store.

"We're going to the supermarket?" Meredith asks her, confused.

"Well, I'm cooking you dinner... But I need the ingredients to do that part first, and I just got off work and it seemed a little contrived to buy them and stock them in my minifridge in the hotel and then t have to bring them to your place later," says Addison, smiling.

"Wait we're having the date at my house?" Meredith asks her.

"Yeah..." Addison says sheepishly.

"And my roommates..." Meredith says curiously.

"And your roommates have other plans. And I may or may not have asked them for the layout of your kitchen..." Addison smiles.

"What are we having?" Meredith smiles, warming up to the idea.

"Well, I hear that you like steak," Addison chuckles.

"I do," says Meredith.

"So I was thinking of making layered steaks with mozzarella and portobello mushrooms, with a side of potatoes with herbs on them," says Addison casually.

"You can make that!?" Meredith exclaims, surprised.

"I can make a lot of things," Addison smiles again.

Meredith beams up at Addison as she selects the ingredients, and also adds some other things to the cart when Meredith says it's no trouble if she does some extra grocery shopping as well.

They're laying them onto the checkout counter when Meredith takes in how happy she is. She is going on a date, another date with Addison Montgomery and she could not be more thrilled. Addison could have said they were just going to drive around town and she would have been thrilled.

Months of pining are coming together now, and she just wants to hold Addison's hand, and watch movies with her, and-

"Oh, Meredith would you mind getting the last shopping bag?" Addison asks her.

"No problem," Meredith zones back in again and takes it.

Addison walks closely to her as they pile back into her car again, and she leans in, to kiss Meredith before they head home.

"I'm a little nervous," says Addison.

"About me?" Meredith giggles.

"Yeah, and also about cooking for a date. I mean I'm a good cook but you never know what could happen," says Addison.

"Well, I can't cook so I'll appreciate anything cooked. But I also probably can't help so much," Meredith grins.

"You can keep me company," says Addison.

"Now that, I can do."

The drive back is short and sweet. Meredith asks Addison about how she's going to cook the steaks, and Meredith is impressed by all the steps that she's memorized.

"I learned it from a chef in Paris," says Addison. "It was on a family vacation when Bizzy and The Captain took Archer and I to Europe. I complimented the chef so much he taught me how to make it," says Addison.

"That's so wild," says Meredith.

"Have you ever been to Europe?" Addison asks her.

"Yeah, I backpacked through Europe years ago with... A friend of mine..." Meredith bites her lip at that last part, but Addison doesn't pry.

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