From the Window To The Wall 6

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From the Window To The Wall 6

When the drugs finally do wear off, Meredith schedules three dates in her calendar right away, and she's extremely excited.

"Yo Meredith, drinks at Joe's later?" Cristina asks her.

"Can't got a date," Meredith smiles.

"Tomorrow?" Cristina tries.

"Got another date," Meredith smirks this time.

"How about-" Cristina says, and Meredith cuts her off with a grin.

"I've got dates every night for three days, but we could have drinks after that? And we can still have lunch together," Meredith offers.

"Three dates in three days? Someone's making use of her time," Cristina chuckles.

"Hey, I've got a lot to catch up on," Meredith says eagerly.

"So are you going to tell me who these dates are with?" Cristina asks her.

"Sure, I mean, I already confessed to George," Meredith sighs.

"Oh come on, you told Bambi before me!? I am your person Mer!" Cristina protests.

"I was high okay, and he was there, and it came up that we'd had our... Experience... And then I introduced him to my... Girlfriend..." Meredith bites her lip nervously.

"Ah, so you have a girlfriend now. Well, I guess that makes things more interesting, huh," Cristina smiles.

"You're not judging me for this?" Meredith asks her.

"It makes a lot of sense, I mean, I was starting to wonder how you'd brought someone new home every night for a month and how I'd never seen that many single men at Joe's in that time frame," says Cristina.

"Yeah, it helped," Meredith chuckles.

"I bet you even brought couples home too," Cristina teases.

"Okay, but that's something I'm only telling you because you're my person, Cristina," whispers Meredith.

"Wow, you really are-" Cristina goes to say something, but then she takes a deep breath and says "popular."

"I know, isn't it awesome?" Meredith smiles, unaffected by her friend's comments.

"Alright, because you're excited it's awesome. I so want the gossip after," Cristina says.

"You don't even know who it is yet," says Meredith.

"Alex told me, it's the Ruler-Of-All-That-Is-Evil times two, plus McVet in the middle," Cristina says proudly.

"How did he know?" Meredith asks her.

"Oh please, your life is the sitcom around here," Cristina teases.

"Well, let's at least hope that this part of it has a happy ending," says Meredith.

"Yeah, for you and me both. I'm just glad I don't have to hear you complaining about McDreamy again," Cristina says honestly.

"Yeah, I'm kinda glad he pulled his hat out of the ring. Makes things less stressful," says Meredith.

"As a heads up, McSteamy's running a bet on all of it," Cristina warns her.

"On who I end up with?" Meredith asks her, a little surprised about it.

"Oh yeah, and I'm gonna make so much money," says Cristina.

"CRISTINA!?" Meredith sighs exasperatedly.

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