From the Window To The Wall 2

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From the Window To The Wall 2

"Haven't you heard? I'm an adulterous whore."

"I might have. That's rough. Whore is a strong word. Not to be used lightly. Me? Now I've earned that."

"McSteamy! Woohoo!"

"Is that what you're calling me?"

"Yeah, but I don't think you were supposed to know that."

"How's my favorite dirty mistress?"

"Haven't you heard? I'm an adulterous whore."

"I might have. That's rough. Whore is a strong word. Not to be used lightly. Me? Now I've earned that."


"Yeah. You've just met me, but back in New York.."

"Back in New York, you had Addison."

"For a little while. But again, me being a whore got a little in the way of that."

"Why did you do it? With Addison, I mean?"

"Why did I sleep with her? Or why did I-"

"Why did you leave her?"

"Well, if we're talking, she's the one who left me."

"But why though?"

"Because I cheated on her, Grey. That's the way the world works. Or maybe I just got my hopes up too much."

"But why would you do that part? Why would you cheat on her? Why would you cheat on someone who looks like THAT?"

"You know, after all, that's happened, I have honestly no idea."

"Was she good?"

"She's Addison. Of course, she was good."

"Right. Of course. She moves like she would be absolutely fantastic."

"She does."

"Was it worth it?"


"Worth it to sleep with her. Even though you never got to keep her."

"I don't know. Probably not, because I still love her, and I sort of broke her."

"I hurt her too. And I didn't get to sleep with her."

"Yours was by accident."

"Prom wasn't. I knew then."

"Yeah. Sorry, you're right, there. And why are you asking me this by the way?"

"Because I'm high. And Addison's been staring at me through the glass all morning, and Derek's been staring at me with his big blue eyes but I can't focus on him because she's standing there all tall and leggy and redheaded."

"And you're into that?"

"Hey, you'd be one to talk."


"And come on, I mean, can you blame me? She has a Ph.D. She's a great teacher. She even adopted my dog. And now she looks at me, and when she looks at me all I can think about is how much I want her to touch me And hold me. And I wanna run my hands through her long, long red hair. I mean, it's just a red shade of red, y'know? The kind of red that should be illegal for how sexy it is."

"So what are you going to do about all of this, Dr. Grey? You're a smart woman. I think you can figure all of this out."

"Maybe. Maybe once the drugs wear off I'll be able to think more clearer. But right now all I can think about is how you kissed Addison and I never. And Derek kissed Addison and I never. And Finn- I mean, even Finn got to talk to Addison and she's never talked to me before. Not really. Not like, talk-talked. And that makes me jealous. And I get bitter when I get jealous."

"Well, alright then."

"Yeah, alright then. Good talk, McSteamy. You're a good boy."

"You're welcome Dr. Grey, now this has been scintillating."

"Oh, and if you tell her, I'll tell her you like being called a 'good boy,' and you wouldn't like that."

"I think she might have already figured that one out for herself. But I won't tell her, because I'd rather hear about you telling her, and seeing how that'll work itself out."

"See, this is the kind of comment that makes me jealous. And angry. And Addison's still staring at me outside my window and I can't see anymore because you're blocking my view. So goodbye now McSteamy. And let me enjoy the good drugs."

"You do that, you enjoy those good drugs. I'll put in a good word for you with the redhead. From one dirty mistress to another. That's right, you're welcome."


"Don't sweat it, kid."

***** FIN

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