From the Window To The Wall 5

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From the Window To The Wall 5

Meredith holds Addison's hand as she's rolled into surgery. When Dr. Bailey arrives, and Meredith announces she has a new girlfriend to her, Bailey just smiles, and sighs, and tells her she's gonna kick her ass if she gets distracted at work with her.

"Addison, you've just gotten a divorce, and now you're fighting off your ex-husband for his ex-girlfriend? Never thought I'd see that day," Bailey laughs.

"He conceded," Addison shrugs with a smile.

"Really, wow. Derek Shepherd, wouldn't have thought he'd have it in him," Bailey says.

"He took it surprisingly well," Addison smiles.

"So what does the other man in your life think of this? Dr. Sloan, I mean," Bailey asks her.

"He's all for it, which is probably also predictable," Addison laughs.

"Probably," says Bailey.

"Are you going to give me a stern 'talking to,'?" Addison asks her.

"Do I need to?" Bailey asks Addison.

"Well, I was expecting it," Addison says nervously.

"Alright, well, Addison I am your friend, but she is my intern, and I don't need any more people breaking the hearts of my interns, we clear?" Bailey says.

"Yes Dr. Bailey," says Addison.

"Well, there we are," says Bailey. "I'll page you when she's out of surgery," she offers.

"Thank you."

Addison tries to sit in the gallery, but it stresses her out too much, so she finds herself outside of the O.R door with her head in her hands.

"You okay?" Alex Karev walks by, and sees her stressing.

"Yeah, I'll be okay," Addison says to him, while still panicking.

"Mer will be fine, Bailey's not gonna let O'Malley hurt her," Alex reassures her.

"Thanks, Karev," Addison sighs. "I know I shouldn't worry... But I worry. Strange things happen to Meredith Grey. I mean, she was in an explosion merely a month ago, so I think there's room to be stressed," Addison explains.

"Yeah, bad stuff does seem to happen to her, but she always turns out alright in the end," offers Alex.

"I think I'm falling for her," Addison finally admits to Alex, as well as to herself.

"Cool," says Alex.

"You think that's cool?" Addison asks him.

"Yeah, well I mean, everyone falls in love with Mer, and you're pretty cool so it makes sense yeah," Alex shrugs again.

"Were you ever in love with Meredith?" Addison asks him.

"Well, no. But I was probably in love with Izzie, that kept me busy," says Alex.

"She's very good at my specialty," Addison smiles.

"Yeah, Iz is good with like, moms and babies and people and stuff," Alex smiles.

"She is."

"So why confess your love now?" Alex asks her, and for some reason, Addison finds comfort in confiding in him.

"Well, she was being courted by many men, so I thought about throwing my hat in the ring," Addison smiles.

"And she picked you?" Alex asks her.

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