From the Window To The Wall 4

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From the Window To The Wall 4

When Meredith wakes up from her nap, Derek walks into the room first with a contemplative expression, and it causes Meredith to quirk an eyebrow at him.

"You are just one of the many men that I happen to be dating at the moment... Meredith says rather openly.

"Really, how many of us are there?" Derek teases her.

"Well, uh, there's ah, you, and there's Finn, and ah-" Meredith smiles.

"Well, forgive me for pointing out the obvious, but I don't see any practitioners of veterinary medicine at your bedside," Derek smiles.

"You would if you turned around," Finn Dandridge appears, as if by magic.

"Ah, Finn," Derek smiles politely.

"Can I just say how much it helps that I'm on drugs now?" Meredith grins sheepishly.

"So," says Derek.

"So," says Finn.

"So how's life in the animal kingdom?" Derek teases.

"How about you? Slow day?" Finn asks Derek.

"Not too bad," says Derek, as he turns his head to see another face peering through the door.

"Addie!" Meredith cheers, as she makes a sweeping gesture to welcome her into her hospital suite.

"Well hello there Dr. Grey. Derek. Finn. Wow, what a party," Addison smiles.

"Yes, Dr. Grey here was just telling me all about her many boyfriends," Derek laughs.

"Wait, does she- Meredith do you have a girlfriend that we didn't know about too?" Finn asks her, gesturing between her and Addison.

"Well, I was actually hoping you'd stop by so I could talk to you about that," Meredith smirks at all of them.

"I see," says Finn, dumbfounded.

"Right," says Derek.

"So y'know, you boys are both very pretty. Don't get me wrong about that. But Addison, she's the prettiest. And I think that it's only fair that she gets to date me too, and she's sorta already behind so I owe her one. What d'ya say, Addie? Do you wanna date me? Because I wanna date you-" Meredith rambles.

Addison blushes, touched by Meredith's attention and honesty.

Before Addison has the chance to answer, George O'Malley walks into the room.

"Okay, let's get you prepped and ready. Dr. Shepherd. Dr. Finn. Dr Montgomery..." George fumbles.

"Now all of my boyfriends are here! Meet my new girlfriend, George. Isn't she charming?" Meredith grins.

"You're all so handsome. Even Addison can be handsome too. And you're all such good kissers, even though I don't really know if Addison is a good kisser or not because I haven't kissed her yet but I already really know she's a good kisser because if she had both McDreamy and McSteamy then she's gotta be excellent. Plus I mean she's so sensitive she's definitely thoughtful so I bet she'd be the best kisser ever. And I really would like to try that. Like maybe now-" Meredith rambles, and George's jaw drops at the insinuation that Meredith would just kiss Dr. Montgomery right in front of all of them.

"Oh. God-" George cuts in as he takes in the absurdity of the situation.

"Excuse me!?" Finn cuts in.

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