From the Window To The Wall 3

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Author's Note:

Thanks for the sweet feedback on this short work :).

The beginning of this is the transcript from GA-S3-E4, feel free to scroll past the italics if you've already memorized this scene by heart.



From the Window To The Wall 3

"Addison! Doctor Montgomery-Shepherd!" Meredith called out from her hospital bed.

Addison closed her eyes and took a deep breath before entering the room.

"You bellowed Doctor Grey.." she said in an annoyed tone.

"Hi," Meredith said

"You certainly are, aren't you.." Addison responded, gesturing to the nurse for Meredith's chart; she flipped through the pages.

"But you're not pregnant," she concluded

"No." she paused before asking Addison what she really called her in the room for. "Are you okay?"

"Fine." she paused a beat "How are you?"

"I'm trying to choose between two men." Meredith started before Addison cut her off.

"Well, okay, good luck with that." she huffed out as she walked towards the door.

Meredith's voice stopped her as she reached the door jam.

"How did you know Derek was the one?"

Addison spun back around on her high heels.

"Excuse me?"

"I know you hate me and all, and you don't owe me anything... nothing.. no thing.. what was I saying?"

Addison rolled her eyes.


"Oh right," Meredith said, pausing. "I would know if he was the one right? I mean you knew, right?"

"I didn't know.." Addison fumbled for her words "Derek's the kind of guy.. I just knew he wouldn't hurt me. Not on purpose anyway. Not the way I hurt him."

"He hurt me, you know when he chose you."

Meredith looked down at her hands until Addison started speaking.

"I should have let him go, I should have stepped aside, been a better person... I should have done a lot of things."

"Me too." Meredith agrees "A lot of things."

"I don't hate you."

"How come we've never talked like this before?" Meredith asked.

"The only reason we're talking like this now is because I know you won't remember any of it when the drugs wear off."

"They're pretty good drugs, gotta say," Meredith smiles at the redhead in front of her.

"I bet," Addison laughs, grinning at her endearingly.

"You know, you look super hot right now," Meredith says to her, uninhibited.

"Good to know you're having a good 'trip,' on morphine," Addison giggles.

"No, it's not only that. You're smokin' all of the time, but the morphine just makes it impossible to ignore," Meredith explains to her.

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