15 Jupiter - part 2

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Thanks to Brenda T for teaching me how country girls go stargazing.

"Marissa, it's time to wake up," Brian said softly, running his hand through my hair. I could get used to waking up like this.

I had decided to take a nap in the evening, since apparently we were going to be out very late.

"What time is it?" I asked him, yawning.

"It's only half nine. The sun just went down. Put on something warm so we can go."

I sat up and realized I was hungry. Really hungry. "Can I eat first?"

"Nope. I have snacks in the car."

Great. Brian's idea of snacks is probably hay and leaves covered with lemon slices. Why can't he eat a turkey sandwich like a normal person?

I got dressed and we went outside. Brian gestured toward a brand new large pick up truck.

"Where did this come from?"

"Rental." He answered.

"I'm confused. Why are we in a truck? Where is your car? Where are we going?"

"The car was a rental and I just switched it for the truck. And be patient."

"I'm grumpy when I'm hungry," I said.

"There's snacks in the back seat."

I reached around and grabbed the bag, taking an inventory of its contents. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cheese sticks, an apple, bottle of water, not bad. No hay or leaves.

It was getting really dark outside. "Where are we going?" I asked again.

"You'll see."

I sighed in frustration. "You know, I saw the cooler in the back. If you are taking me to some deserted cabin to harvest my organs, they aren't viable because of my kidneys."

He laughed. "Marissa, stop. You are perfectly safe. We are almost there anyway. Have some chocolate."

"There's chocolate? I didn't see any chocolate. Why did you give me peanut butter and jelly if you had chocolate?"

"Because chocolate isn't a meal. Look under your seat."

He had stashed a lunch bag with chocolates, and an ice pack so they wouldn't melt.

"Ooh the good kind," I said popping one into my mouth. "Want one?" I asked him.

He opened his mouth for me to feed it to him. I brought the candy to him, but instead of letting me take my hand away, he sucked my finger into his mouth and scraped it with his tongue and teeth.

God, he was so hot.

"Problem, Marissa?" He asked me, smirking.

"No." Yes.

"We're here," he announced, pulling the truck off the road.

"Here? There is nothing here." I was beyond annoyed.

"Relax. Just get out and get in the back."

"If this is some kinky outside public sex thing ---"

I didn't get to finish. "Marissa, stop." He got out and started making a bed with blankets and pillows.

"Those are mine." I pouted.

"You can have them back. Just get in."

I decided, what the hell. There was enough Brian dna in my apartment to convict him if he really was planning on harvesting my organs.

"Bloody wanker," I said, under my breath, as I climbed up into the truck bed.

"What was that?" He asked, with the amused dominant Brian voice.

"Nothing." I answered, innocently.

"That's what I thought." He gave me the look. You know, THE look. The one that makes you shiver inside.

"Look up," he told me.

I looked up and gasped. The sky was pitch black. There must have been a million stars shining brilliantly.

"Wait for it," he told me.

I continued to watch the sky. Suddenly, a trail of white light zoomed across the sky. Then another.

"Oh Brian, wow."

He had brought me to see a meteor shower. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. One after another, streaking over us.

He smiled at me. "I thought you would like it."

He took my hand and we laid back on the blankets and watched the sky. After awhile Brian told me to wait while he got something from the inside.

He came back with a large case and started assembling a telescope. Seriously, who carries around a telescope in their truck?

"Is that yours?" I asked.

"Nope." He answered.

"Where is it from?"

"The college."

"They just let people borrow telescopes?"

"No. But they let me. I think they figured I would take care of their equipment."

Right. Doctor Brian May. Astrophysics.

"What are you looking for?"

"Give me a second to find it." He continued to look through the lens.

"Okay, come look," he told me.

I got up and peered through the lens. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "Holy crap that's Jupiter!"

"It is," he said calmly.

"I can really see it. It's actually there. I mean, I knew it was there, but seeing it, just wow. That is amazing!" I knew I was rambling, but couldn't stop myself. "Where is it, Brian?" I asked. "Jupiter. Can you see it without the telescope? Where is it?"

"You can, but it mostly looks like a large star unless you know what you are looking at. I'll show you."

He moved to sit behind me, straddling his long legs around me, his chest to my back. "If you look in the constellation, wait -- I'll draw it for you. It's easier." He pulled out a small notepad and drew out a series of stars then connected them into a shape. "Can you find this in the sky?"

"Yes, I see it!" I was excited.

"Jupiter is right here." He added it to his map.

"Amazing," I was at a loss for words. "It's all so beautiful. I can see why you love it so much."

"There's so much I want to show you, Marissa. I want to show you the stars and the moon and the ocean and everything in between. If you will have me."

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