author's note

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Myelodysplastic Syndrome. Or MDS. After many tests and a very painful bone marrow biopsy, I finally got a diagnosis for the anemia. Apparently the problem wasn't with my kidneys but the bone marrow. I'm not making quality red blood cells and the ones that are healthy are being destroyed. No real cure for this, so for now I am getting blood transfusions when my hemoglobin gets too low. Down the road chemo or bone marrow transplant might be a thing, but for now I am being treated less aggressively. MDS is related to leukemia but isn't cancer. My hematologist / oncologist switched the EPO from Mircera to Aranesp, which is supposed to encourage red blood cell growth.

For about a week I have been sick with a gastro bug of some kind. I was at the er for hours yesterday because I really needed some fluids and nausea meds to stop vomiting. They were so busy I never even got looked at after they did labs and covid tests. (Negative on covid.) Today I am able to keep fluids and soup down so I am on the mend.

As far as this story, I have no clue. I want to keep writing it, but I'm not sure what to do with the characters. Sometimes as I'm falling asleep I will get ideas but no idea how to incorporate them into the story. I've been reading a lot of other people's fan fiction, as I really love the Queen fandom. So I am still here, just not very active.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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