The Shock

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Kakashi woke up in a bed.

He was confused, remembering the deaths he witnessed, So he got up with his shaking legs and walked into the bathroom.

He knew the layout of his father's apartment even after all of those years.

The one he couldn't stand to be in for more than a few hours at a time.

He did not, however, know why the pictures in the hallway were up so high, or why he needed a stool to reach the mirror.

Once he did, he was even more confused than before. He was wearing his mask, like normal, but that's not what confused him.

The scar over his left eye was gone, and his face had no trace of the bloodbath he had just experienced. He froze when he saw just how young he looked.

His face was void of scars, the pale skin only having marks from his dried tears.

He began to panic.

It had to be Madara.

He probably put him in a genjutsu when he was busy watching as Naruto's pulse faded, as his hand reached out for Kakashi's- no, Madara was definitely playing some sort of sick trick on him.

Killing everyone he ever cared for, murdering them while he couldn't do anything to stop it, then putting him in his old apartment where his father had committed suicide.


The name filled with so much rage and hate even when he thought it.

"Kai." Nothing happened so he tried again.

"Kai!" He focused again, eager to break out of the genjutsu.


Soon, Kakashi was yelling at the top of his lungs.

"KAI!" He broke down in sobs and stumbled into the hallway.

He took a kunai in the pouch that was laying on the table in the bathroom, most likely from when he took a shower 'yesterday'.

He stabbed himself in the stomach, not too deep, but deep enough to leave a scar. He continued to slash at his young skin again, cutting shallow but just enough to feel the pain.

Slowly, he made his way into a corner in the apartment, specifically next to the front door.

He didn't care about the carpet that was now stained with a trail of blood.

For a while he just sat there, crying his heart out.

Or what was left of it.

He didn't know how much time had passed, and he didn't really care.

He wanted to go back to when Naruto would say something Sakura didn't like and punch him into a wall to the point where Sasuke, not wanting to end up like Naruto, would say, "Tch, Dobe."

Those were the best memories he had, the team laughing and joking about random things.

He knew things were never going to be the same, but if he really was in the past he could find a way to prevent their deaths.

The thought lingered in his head for a while and it became his goal.

But for now, he was going to sit there and cry.

He knew if he could stop the war he could save them, but things would never be the same.

Sasuke wouldn't be all emo, well maybe he would still be normal Uchiha emo, but not the Sasuke he knew.

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