Madara Uchiha?

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Jiraiya was called into the Hokage's tower during this crisis.

He was annoyed.

He gets kicked out of the hot spring for 'violating women's privacy', called into the Hokage's tower, and walks in to find Minato holding Kakashi who happened to be covered in blood and tears, screaming something about murdering someone. 

He thought he was hearing things when Kakashi screamed,

"MADARA! I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU UCHIHA!" Why was Kakashi screaming about murdering Madara Uchiha?

The already dead rival of the first Hokage?

"What's going on?!" Jiraiya shouted, frantic.

"I don't know sensei! I walked in and he was like this!" Minato responded, sounding even more worried than Jiraiya.

"He needs a hospital, you baka!" Jiraiya yelled at Minato and the frozen Hiruzen.

Minato didn't think of that.

Kakashi jumps out of Minato's arms in his moment of realization and tries to jump out of the window.

He thought that if he died here then maybe he would wake up sitting next to Naruto and Sasuke and Sakura eating ramen at Ichiraku's.

Or maybe he would wake up back in the war zone with Madara laughing and Naruto's dead body resting on his chest.

If he dies there too from dying here, well, that would just be a bonus.

Jiraiya was probably needed to help keep Kakashi still until he stops doing, uhm, whatever you would call stabbing yourself and screaming about killing a dead person.

Being insane? Yeah, that's what he was looking for.

Minato was there in a flash and knocked Kakashi out with a swift chop to the back of the neck before he could try to jump again, picking his now limp body up carefully in his arms.

Jiraiya and Minato went to find Tsunade, the current head of the hospital, and Jiraiya's old teammate.

Hiruzen would follow behind a while later after finding someone to fill in for him.

Minato rushed to find Tsunade who was currently punching a fake-sick patient into the wall.

"I told you last time that if you came here again just to stare at me you would end up needing the hospital for real!" Tsunade shouted at the middle-aged man with a tick mark on her forehead.

"Tsunade! Kakashi needs help, right now!" Jiraiya shouted, running at her from the hallway with Minato, not bothering to stop at the check-in desk.

Tsunade looked at them and then Kakashi, gesturing for them to follow her into a vacant room. She knew if someone looked like Kakashi did right now, they needed medical attention as soon as possible.

Minato wasted no time in putting Kakashi on the white hospital bed for Tsunade to use her chakra to heal his wounds. 

She thought that they were worse than they actually were, probably because of how panicked the others were.

She finished healing him in a few minutes until speaking again.

"I healed all of his external wounds, do you mind telling me what happened now?!" She was worried for the young Hatake, but she was beyond pissed at Minato and Jiraiya for letting this happen to the young boy in the first place.

Sensing what she was thinking, Minato started talking almost immediately, not wanting to end up like Tsunade's other victims. "I went to his house because he was late for training, and he was sitting in his house with a kunai trying to stab himself, screaming 'kai' over and over again like he was in a genjutsu. He said something about 'Naruto' and killing Madara Uchiha. I rushed him to Lord Third, thinking that maybe he knew something, he didn't, so sensei came and that's when I knocked him out and took him here." He took in deep breaths after, trying to calm himself down.

"Hmm, I think that we should get Inoichi to go through his memories. It's obvious something is wrong with him mentally." Tsunade responded afterward. Inoichi would be their best bet to find out what happened to Kakashi.

Kakashi then began screaming and yelling before any of them could respond to Tsunade's idea, "No! You can't!" He broke down in sobs and lowered his voice, "You can't..."

He didn't want them to see his memories. He didn't want them to witness him cry and lose to Madara. He let everyone down. He couldn't let them see.

He couldn't.

So he obviously struggled when they restrained him with some rope that Tsunade used for shinobi who hated the hospital and needed to be operated on.

He struggled when they called Inoichi in after Hiruzen got there.

He cried when Inoichi walked in, prepared to go into his mind.

"You can't! You... can't!" He repeated those words over and over again.

Despite all of his pleas, they had no choice but to continue. Something had obviously happened to the poor boy, and Minato wasn't going to leave him like this.


Obito and Rin were waiting for Kakashi.

It had been over twenty minutes and they knew something was wrong when they heard a piercing scream that they were sure was Kakashi.

It was coming from the direction of the hospital, it was closer to them than the Hokage tower. Rin and Obito gave each other worried looks before taking off in the direction of the screams.

The two twelve-year-olds ran for about 5 minutes until the voices got louder.

"You can't! Stop!" This was followed by a chorus of sobs coming from Kakashi.

At this point, they were outside of the hospital and darted in, following the screams.

They were met with Tsunade, Jiraiya, Lord Third, Inoichi, and Fugaku Uchiha.

Hiruzen invited Fugaku because Kakashi was screaming about Madara Uchiha, so this very obviously had something to do with him.

Kushina had arrived soon after she got news about what happened from Mikoto who said her husband was called to the hospital for something relating to Kakashi Hatake.

Minato saw the two genin standing shocked at the doorway to the white hospital room.

Kakashi was still begging them to not look at his memories but they didn't listen. Minato didn't necessarily want to look through his memories, but he needed to know what happened to his student so that he could figure out how to fix it.

"Obito, Rin, do you want to help Kakashi?" Minato asked.

"Yes!" RIn answered quickly.

"I'm in," Obito answered shortly after.

"Ok, we need to see what happened this morning so Inoich-san here is going to show us his memories. Do you still want to help him?"

He got two nods as an answer.

"Is everyone ready?" Inoichi asked. Everyone nodded in return. "Just hold each others' hands and we'll be in." They all held hands, Fugaku being reluctant but still did, and Inoivhi used his jutsu.

Nobody listened to Kakashi as they all went in his head as he fell unconscious and joined them inside of his head.



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