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They had been outside of Kakashi's mind for over five minutes and no one had said anything yet, still trying to get over the shock of witnessing their deaths.

Not Fugaku, no he was shocked because of what Madara said about the Uchiha massacre. What massacre? At what point in the future would there be a massacre?

Obito was in shock for three reasons. One of which being the fact that he was friends with Kakashi, the second one being that Rin died, and the third was the fact that Madara said that he had manipulated him, whatever that meant.

Minato had just witnessed his students' and wife's death, he was obviously in shock from that alone, but apparently, he had a son from whatever future or world Kakashi came from.

Kakashi was sitting there, staring at the ceiling, wishing that this was just a bad dream. They didn't just see him crying at the feet of Madara after losing a war. They didn't witness him killing his best friend.

They didn't, right?

Maybe he was right all along, maybe Madara put him here to see him suffer for fun.

He still didn't completely believe that he was in the past.

"Kakashi... What was that?" Minato asked quietly.

"It doesn't matter." Was Kakashi's slow response. This wasn't real. Madara did this. He was probably laughing at him too.

"Like hell it doesn't." Growled Obito. Kakashi had killed his crush, he had seen it in his memories. He didn't even stop her lifeless body from hitting the ground afterward.

"Obito. Not now." Minato said quickly in his 'this is not the time to argue' voice. He used it a lot with the two boys. 

"He killed Rin! You saw it. I can't let that happen again. I need to know, Kakashi, why did you kill her?" Obito said, his voice getting louder with each word.

"She killed herself," Kakashi stated, not wanting to go into details, it was probably just a genjutsu anyways.

"You expect me to believe that?! I saw you drive your Chidori right through her heart and you're going to tell me she killed herself?! You're a monster! I-

"Obito!" Minato yelled. Obito glared in response

"I know that already. This," He said gesturing to the room, "isn't real. It's some sick joke Madara is playing on me." Kakashi's voice was louder at this point. "And anyway, you killed more innocent people than I ever did." Everything about that sentence surprised Obito.

He knew he was a monster, Obito killed more people than him, some sick joke Madara was playing on him.

These few things continued to circle around in their heads.

Minato shooed everyone out so that he could talk to Kakashi without everyone hearing.

"Kakashi, what happened?" He asked kindly.

"Madara happened. You died and Sasuke died and Sakura and Naruto and Obito and Rin. They all died because of the fucking Uchiha." Kakashi answered, smoldering with anger.

"Who are Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto?" Minato asked again, hoping to get more than names out of him.

"My students. You saw them. The pink-haired one was Sakura Haruno. The black-haired one was Sasuke Uchiha, the yellow-haired one was Naruto Uzumaki. Not that it matters you know this. Madara is going to wake me up just when I believe I can change the future."

Haruno as in Mebuki Haruno?



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