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October was always Athenas favorite month. The air was nice. It was the perfect time between the beginning of the school year and finals. The Halloween decorations. Classic horror movies playing all month at their local theater.

Athena was a fucking nerd for monsters. Honest to God, think Sabrina Spellman in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Geekity geeky geek.

She'd spend all month (and some of September) making her and her friends' costumes, because "We are not about to go buy a costume like God damned chumps, Demitri.". She would have made Miguel's as well this year, but apparently his Yaya had it covered. This Halloween, She was going as Raven, Julie was going to be a witch (a classic btw), Demitri was a necromancer *cough* extra *cough*, and Eli was going as a plastic surgeon. He specialized in fixing lips. 

Nothing is bad in October. Not even Chemistry. Not even Landon Bates.

"Cyberbullying is no laughing matter." Counselor Blatt's voice boomed over the speakers. "Sending a cruel message to someone online can he just as hurtful as saying it to their face. I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity." Dumb whore.

Eli surveyed the cafeteria, seeing all the students looking at him. He instinctively covered his scar with his hand. Stupid bitch people. Don't they know it's Halloween?? The season of kindness? Athena grabbed his hand and squeezed three times; he squeezed back twice.

"Y'know, Eli, if you're sick of getting picked on, my dojo's looking for recruits." Miguel turned away from Counselor Blatt, who was still squawking away about cyber bullying.

"Yeah, right!" Demitri scoffed.

"Ya hear that, Eli? A little karate training and you're gonna kick some major ass!" Julie finished. Athena rolled her eyes at her friends and their pessimism.

"Shut the fuck up; stop ruining Halloween."

"I'm serious, Demitri." Miguel ignored Athena. "My sensei's the real deal. I'm sure I could get you all discounts." he looked around the table. Athena, Julie, and Eli all looked away.

"As enticing as that sounds, I think we'd rather spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control than getting hit in the face." Demitri deadpanned.

"I avoid violence." Athena and Julie stated plainly at the same time. "Creepy." They both muttered. "Hey stop!" They yelled in sync. 

"Oh and one last thing." The teenagers tuned back into counselor Blatts announcement. "While we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance, let's make sure that our costumes are culturally sensitive. For example, instead of "Sexy Nurse", maybe try "Gender-Neutral Hospital Employee." Athena's face scrunched up.

"What, 'Thena? Were you planning on going as a Sexy Nurse this year?" Julie jokingly inquired while stealing a handful of Raisinets from her best friend.

Athena chirped out a laugh, "Yeah, just like every year!" Making a wave of giggles envelope the table. "No, but honestly the point of Halloween is to be whatever you damn well please, and I understand being culturally sensitive, but honestly as long as it's not hurting anybody I don't fucking see the problem."

"Ok, what is your obsession with this holiday?" Oh poor poor Miguel. He couldn't have possibly known that he had just fucked up.

He seemed to have realized (Y'know, that he fucked up) when 30 minutes had rolled around, they were supposed to be learning about the Roman Empire, and Athena Reyes was still talking about Halloween.

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