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This last chapter will mention how I ended up being inspired to make an autobiography on a website

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This last chapter will mention how I ended up being inspired to make an autobiography on a website. My parents and I decided to celebrate Christmas and New Years' with my brother in Brooklyn, New York (where my brother lives), but then one day, my father decided to rent a townhome in Rockaway Beach in Queens for a few days. On the last day, I decided to watch a movie on my laptop on Disney plus. I could not decide which movie I wanted to watch until I saw a picture of a guy with a guitar and read the title of the movie called 'Clouds' and since I love movies about musicians, I clicked to watch the film. I have never seen that movie until that day. I promise I will not spoil the movie, but the movie was about an eighteen-year-old kid who died of cancer when he was diagnosed at fourteen years old. The film was about the last few moments he had in his life and wanted to continue helping everyone after his death. I thought Zach survived throughout the movie between you and me (as a secret), but then I found out he died. I started crying a lot more, but then I realize it does not matter as much as cancer took his life away from this world because his music and inspiration still live on. I believe he inspired many people worldwide (and continues to do so), and I'm safe to say I am one of them. I cried in the entire movie, and I realize I never cried that much. After watching the movie, I quickly bought the only album he made with his best friends on iTunes from their band called 'A Firm Handshake.' I would say my favorite band is now A Firm Handshake (Here is the link for their YouTube channel:

You are probably thinking about how this kid inspired me to make a book of stories of my life on a website when this kid had a different lifestyle than I had? My answer would be that's a pretty good question, but after I looked up when he was born, I realize that this kid and I have the same birth year. He might be about six months older than me, but I know I was not supposed to be alive. I mean, I was born with heart problems, and what is the probability of someone born with heart problems will be alive for more than twenty-five years? That probability is very little, but here I am, beating those odds. After leaving that mental hospital that I was in, I started appreciating life a bit while being with friends and family from the previous chapter. After finishing this movie, I realize this kid is supposed to have a long life than I have, but sometimes life isn't fair. If you have never watched the movie yet, please do, and if you have watched the movie already, then watch it again because it is a very inspiring movie. I hope I can meet this kid in the clouds someday so I can personally thank him. I would say he is my number one idol. There are a few things that I am jealous of him; he went to Europe and has seen snow because he lived in Minnesota, and I hope I can see snow one day. I know Zach was catholic, and I hope he becomes a saint one day, but he is already a saint for me.

Since I was a teenager, I always wanted to make an entire book of stories of my life on a website, but I never did it until I heard about Zach Sobiech's life, the eighteen years old who did not quit fighting nor lose. I had many moments that I wanted to quit life, but I knew it wouldn't be fair for my parents to have a son who quitted life after doing many great things for me throughout my life. I do not want to lose in lifelike Zach never lost one. Have I ever met Zach Sobiech before? No, because he was born and raised in Minnesota, and I have never been to Minnesota before. But after knowing all the Zach's that I have met in my life, this particular Zach has touched me deeply. This Zach inspires me to continue living my dreams and start writing stories of my life to inspire other people. From a song that he made with his best friend is called Star Hopping, the lyrics go "start the countdown 3, 2, 1 let's go" live life. I call the title of this book of stories of my life 'Thank You Zach' for helping and inspiring me to finally write my story on a website to help and inspire others. I will never forget you for helping me continue living life on a fantastic path to heaven and appreciating life a bit more.

Thank You, Zach (The Zach Effect) The First Autobiography of Daniel SotoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin