You're Sick (1)

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Rex normally knows you are sick before you know it. And when you are sick he does everything you ask.

If he is on a mission though he will sneak and message you, asking if you are alright.

And normally if Cody or Wolffe is on leave he asks them to check up on you.


Okay so he knew what was wrong before the doctor knew. Mostly because Echo and Cutup both hated medics and wouldn't go when they were sick.

So he learned what medication to give them and how much. He also learned about illnesses and injuries.

So he is a hundred percent prepared when you have a cold.

Pre Citadel Echo:

He goes to Fives or Kix.

He freaks out when you are sick. He hates to see you suffering so he goes to his brothers to help take care of you.


He normally doesn't even notice you're sick. But when he does he goes to Kix and asks what you need to get better.


He freaks out and thinks you're dying. He will already start planing your funeral and getting ready to have joint caskets, because there is no way in hell you are leaving him with Hardcase and Fives.

So yea he over reacts a lot.


He's a medic. You are seriously in the best hands. He knows about everything. He also makes sure to get you your favorite snacks and treats, health snacks of course.

He will also take a small leave (says he is sick)

He normally has another Medic cover for him so he can take care of all your needs.



He has no idea what to do. He freaks out and usually goes to Rex. And it's worse if he isn't on leave.

If he is on a mission he has to have Rex or Wolffe check in on you. Hell he has had Anakin and Ahsoka check on you before.

He is just that worried about you.


Waxer is always prepared. He knows you are prone for colds and so he keeps a stash of medication for you hidden in your house.

He knows we're everything is because mostly he is the one cleaning.


Suffer is his favorite word. He likes to sit on the couch and make fun of you. But don't get me wrong he will help you out, but not before he teases you about needing him.

It's payback for when you first met.


He normally takes care of you. Though if it's busy at the store he will check up on you very rarely.

He worries but not enough that he can't do his job. (Cody 🙄)

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