Just A Friend

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The snow fell soft and steady around her like small sugar cubes melting on her cloak with each step she made, squishing beneath her feet that hurried her along the path she needed to be, wanting so desperately to get away from all the bickering when what everyone should've been doing was coming together as a family.

Letting out a long drawn-out sigh watching the puffs of white mists escape her chapped lips forgetting to dab the oil Lyanna had gifted to both her and Dany. Her body was still not yet used to the cold temperatures of the North, but anywhere was better than being inside Winterfell castle where all seven hells seemed to be breaking out between her brother's two families. Well, between Catelyn Tully Stark and her grandmother. The red auburn-haired woman seemed to have had enough of Rhaella that morning, no longer caring that Rhaella Targaryen was Jon's grandmother. While her brother for the most part could do nothing but sit back shaking his head.

Brother..... Rhaenys mused over the word in her head smiling widely, it had been two months since that secret was let out, yet still, not a day went by without her wanting to pinch herself wondering if this was some kind of dream or game the gods were playing. Who would have ever known the brooding Jon Stark a young man, she had grown close to, seeing him like a younger brother after marrying her aunt, was in fact her younger brother. Not her that was for sure. The gods truly worked in unsuspecting ways. Both Jon and Robb helping to free them from Viserys by rescuing them, marrying Dany, paying for her dowry to her grandparents who even at this time had still not turned over that money back to Jon especially with him being family.

She let out a shaky breath thinking of her grandmother, she was the only one who was still having an issue with the magnitude of such a revelation even after months of being hosted by the Starks, blaming Lyanna for never getting to know her grandson, even lord Eddard Stark was prone to her wild outbursts and fits of crying.

These Stark's were truly an enigma, anyone else would've sent her grandmother packing back to Dragonstone Manor especially after her outburst over breakfast that morning.

"And what exactly does this even mean for you and my daughter?" Rhaella had asked annoyingly playing with the spoon in her barley and oat porridge like some small child wanting to get their way.

Rhaenys could tell her brother was done with this conversation just by how he replied to their grandmother, "it means Dany and I shall move into my old room, and the room we were staying in turned back over to my uncle and his lady wife Ashara Dayne." He had smiled a knowing smile she often saw reserved solely for those Jon loved, she could tell he was thrilled to know his grandfather, uncle and lady Ashara was still alive and finally headed home with his uncle a captain Benjen Stark, their father, and..... Rhaenys hiccuped trying to wipe a single tear that fell from her eyes, the letter announcing her mother also was found safe and alive still hard to even comprehend or phantom after its arrival..... And with that, there would be a joining of both houses Dayne, Martell, Stark, and Targaryen all under one roof hashing out their differences..... Others take her this was a mess.

Yet maybe things would go over smoothly, she just had to keep faith that it would as she stopped in place at where she needed to be, watching the two dark ponds before her steam in puffs of smoke, the whitebark face of the Weirwood watching her, its eyes dripping red sap the color of its blood-colored leaves, causing Rhaenys to once more kneel and pray in front of an old god she knew not much of, other than what Jon had told her, whenever they came out here to pray for their father and his uncle Benjen when word came they were going off to fight against the ironborn and bring an end to the madness.

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