Chapter 1

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"Yo!" Chris McLean starts, excitedly explaining the rules to one of the many cameras on the island, "We're coming at you live from Camp Wawanakwa somewhere in Muskoka, Ontario!" he says, gesturing at the island behind him. "I'm your host Chris McLean dropping season one of the hottest new reality show on television, right now!" he keeps talking as he walks over to the end of a dock, "here's the deal; 22 campers have signed up to spend 8 weeks right here at this crummy old summer camp. They'll compete in challenges against each other then have to face the judgement of their fellow campers. Every three days, one team will either win a reward or watch one of their team members walk down the dock of shame, take a ride on the loser boat," he laughs, "and leave total drama island for good." Chris and the cameraman move to a campfire area, "Their fate will be decided here at the dramatic campfire ceremonies where each week, all but one camper will receive a marshmallow. In the end, only one will be left standing and will be rewarded with cheesy tabloid fame and a small fortune which, let's face it, they'll probably blow in a week. To survive, they'll have to battle black flies, grizzly bears, disgusting camp food, and each other. Every moment will be caught on one of the hundreds of cameras situated all over the camp. Who will crumble under the pressure? Find out here, right now, on Total Drama Island!" he finishes, flourishing dramatically at the island behind him.

"Alright! It's time to meet our first eleven campers," Chris says, smiling at the camera, "we told them they'd all be staying at this 5-star resort so if they seem a little T.O.'ed, that's probably why," he finishes speaking as a fancy yacht pulls up, dropping off the first contestant. "Beth! What's up?" he asks as the girl in the green shirt runs up to him, giving him a crushing hug.
"It's so incredulous to meet you!" Beth says, letting go of Chris. "Wow, you're much shorter in real life," she points at him and Chris simply gives her a look.
"Uh...thanks," he says before the next contestant is dropped off. "DJ!" Chris says to the built dark-skinned man disembarking the ship.
"Yo! Chris McLean! How's it going?" the two guys high five. "Hey you sure you got the right place here? Where's the hot tub at?" DJ asks, looking around.
"Yo dawg, this is it, camp Wawanakwa!" Chris explains and DJ picks up his bags, walking to the other end of the dock.
"Looked a lot different on the application form," DJ mutters to himself. The next contestant that arrives is a pale goth girl.
"Hey, Gwen," Chris greets.
"You mean we're staying here?!" she asks, obviously not happy with the situation.
"No, you're staying here!" Chris points at her, "my crib is an airstream with ac that-a-way."
"I did not sign up for this," Gwen says.
"Actually, you did" he pulls out a thick packet of papers which Gwen takes, rips in half, then drops into the water, smirking proudly. "The great thing about lawyers is," Chris pulls out another packet of papers, "They make lots of copies."
"I am not staying here," Gwen picks up her bags and moves to get back on the yacht.
"Cool. I hope you can swim though," Chris says as they notice that the ship is pulling away, "because your ride just left."
"Jerk!" Gwen exclaims then goes to stand with DJ and Beth. Loud party music fills the air as the next contestant is brought ashore.
"Chris McLean! 'Sup man?" he says, giving Chris a fist bump, "it's an honor to meet you, man!"
"The Geoffster! Welcome to the island man," Chris says, giving Geoff finger guns.
"If they say man one more time, I'm going to puke," Gwen says, arms folded.
"Everybody, this is Lindsay," Chris says as a cute blonde arrives, "not too shabby." He chuckles and smirks at one of the cameras.
"Hi!" she says in a cheerful tone before approaching Chris, "ok you look so familiar," she says to him.
"I'm Chris McLean?" his smile drops at her confusion, "the host? Of the show?"
"Oh! That's where I know you from!" Lindsay says before going to the other contestants.
"Uh...yeah," he says as I pull up to the dock, Gameboy in hand. "Y/N! Nice to see you!" he says to me and I pause my game to give him a polite nod.
"Nice to be here Chris! Uh...the form said we'd have electricity?" I ask, looking around the place.
"About that-" Chris starts.
"Great..." I groan, cutting him off and walking over to the other contestants. I stand next to Gwen and grin, "like your style," I say to her before resuming my game. The next girl pulls up before she has a chance to respond. She has black hair and wears a maroon crop top. She quickly makes her way over to us.
"Heather," is all Chris says and she ignores him. Beth runs up to her and waves.
"Hi!" she says happily, "looks like we're your new friends for the next eight weeks!" she says, spit flying from her braces causing Heather to cringe away. Loud rock music draws everyone's attention to the boat, causing me to die in my game and glare up at the approaching contestant. He jumps off the boat and scowls at Chris.
"Duncan! Dude!" Chris greets him and Duncan puts up a fist.
"I don't like surprises," he says, menacingly.
"Yeah your parole officer warned me about that, man," I look up from my handheld at them, "he also told me to give him a holler anytime and have you returned to juvie," Duncan sniffs and roles his eyes.
"Ok then," he says, walking over to us, "meet you by the campfire, gorgeous," he says to me before setting his stuff down and standing with the rest of us.
"In your dreams," I quickly snap back, going back to my game.
"I'm calling my parents. You cannot make me stay here," Heather says, stomping over to the rest of us. Chris simply pulls out a stack of papers in response. The yacht horn announces the arrival of the next contestant.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Tyler!" Chris says as the kid who was water skiing behind the boat wipes out and slams into the dock causing a suitcase to go flying and soak Heather and the rest of us simply cringe.
"My shoes!" Heather yells, absolutely soaked.
"Wicked wipeout man!" Chris yells to Tyler and he gives a thumbs up from under the pile of luggage. A few of us chuckle at the soaked Heather but a long sigh pulls us out of our good mood. "Welcome to camp, Harold."
"What's he looking at?" Beth asks and we just shrug.
"So do you mean this show is at a yucky summer camp and not on some big stage or something?" Harold asks.
"You got it," Chris replies.
"Yes! That is so much more favorable to my skills," Harold says walking over to us. He stands next to me and looks over my shoulder at my Gameboy. I glance up at him.
   "..can I help you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow over my device.
  "I see you're playing Link's Awakening. Did you know that on the water temple level-" Harold starts to say but is quickly cut off by Chris announcing the next contestant.
"Contestant number nine is Trent!" Chris says as a guy with black hair and a guitar pulls up.
"Hey, good to meet you, man," he says to Chris, "saw you on that figure skating show, nice work!"
"Hey thanks, man. I knew I rocked that show!" the two of them fist bump.
"I saw that," Beth speaks up, "one of the guys dropped his partner on her head! So they got immunity that week."
"Lucky!" Harold says, "I hope I get dropped on my head."
"Me too!" Lindsay interjects.
"You already were," I mumble, not looking up earning a snicker from Geoff and Duncan.
"So this is it?" Trent asks, "alrighty then," he goes over and stands next to Gwen. A surfer girl steps off the boat and walks up to Chris.
"Hey. What's up?" she asks, setting her board down.
"Alright! Our surfer chick Bridgette is here!" Chris says.
"Nice board," Duncan scoffs, "this aint Malibu honey."
"I thought we were going to be on a beach," she says.
"We are!" Chris exclaims.
"Great," Bridgette sighs.
"Alright that makes-" Chris begins but gets cut off by Bridgette smacking him with her board, "ow! Darn it, that hurt!" he says and she walks over to us.
"Hey guys," she says to us.
"Heyyy, I'm Geoff!" Geoff steps to the other side of her and she turns around, nearly knocking us on the head.
"What's up?" she asks, completely oblivious.
"Dang! Watch the board man!" Harold scolds.
"Hi! I'm Beth!" Bridgette turns again to face her.
"Hey!" she says.
"Ok we've all met surfer girl. Can we get on with the show please?" Heather says, obviously annoyed.
"Someone missed their double cappuccino macchiato this morning," Duncan says, and Harold and I chuckle.
"Get bent," Heather responds as the next contestant rolls up. A skinny, nerdy guy in cargo shorts steps on to the dock.
   "Our next camper is Noah," Chris says.
    "You got my memo about my life threatening allergies?" Noah asks and I roll my eyes, still buried in my Zelda game.
    "I'm sure someone did!" Chris says back.
    "Good. Is this where we're staying?" he asks, joining the campers.
   "No. It's your mother's house," Duncan starts, cracking his knuckles, "and we're throwing a party."
    "Cute. Nice piercings original, to them yourself?" Noah responds sarcastically.
   "Yeah. You want one?" Duncan asks, grabbing Noah's lower lip.
   "Uh. No thanks. Can I have my lip back please?" Noah says, completely unfazed and Duncan lets go, "thanks."
"What's up y'all? LeShawna's in the house!" the next contestant's voice rings out from the ship and Harold gasps. "Yo baby. Hey, how you doin? How's it goin?" she says, approaching Chris and giving him a high five. "Feel free to quit now and save yourselves the trouble cause I came to win," she says, walking over to us, "oh what's up my brother? Give me some sugar baby," she greets DJ with a high five as well.
"I've never seen a girl like you in real life before," Harold says, gawking at LeShawna.
"Excuse me?" she turns to face him, hands on her hips.
"You're real big," Harold continues, "and loud."
"What did you just say to me? Oh no you didn't. You have not seen anything yet. I'll show you big, baby," LeShawna says, stomping up to Harold angrily. DJ and Bridgette rush forward to hold her back. I sigh and roll my eyes, and my Gameboy beeps signaling low battery. I grumble and power it off, putting it in my pocket. "Oh yeah you want some of this? Well come on then!" she says, struggling to get out of their grip.
"Alright campers. Settle down," Chris interjects, calming everyone down as two girls dressed exactly the same step onto the dock. "Ladies. Sadie. Katie," he greets, "welcome to your new home for eight weeks!"
"Oh my gosh," the taller one speaks up first, "Sadie look! It's a summer camp."
"Ok! I always wanted to go to summer camp," Sadie says back and squeals, grabbing her bag and running over to us with Katie.
"Ezekiel. What's up man?" Chris says to him.
"I think I see a bird," he says, pointing to the sky. Trent chuckles and I cross my arms.
    "Ok. Look dude," Chris puts a hand on his shoulder, "I know you don't get out much, homeschooled your whole life, raised by freaky prairie people. Just don't say much and try not to get kicked off too early. Ok?" Chris pushes him towards the other contestants.
    "Yessir," Ezekiel says.
    "That's just..." Gwen starts.
    "Wow," I finish for her.
    "Cody! The Codester. The Codemeister!" Chris greets the new camper with finger guns and a high five.
    "Dude. Psyched to be here man," he says, confidently striding over to us, "see the ladies have already arrived. Alright," he looks at LeShawna and opens his mouth to speak.
    "Save it short stuff," she cuts him off, putting a finger to his mouth. The dock shakes when the next camper arrives.
   "Eva. Nice. Glad you could make it," Chris says as the buff girl walks past him. She drops her bag on Cody's foot.
    "Ow. What's in there? Dumbbells?" he asks, holding his crushed toes.
    "Yes," Eva responds plainly.
    "She's all yours, man," Duncan says to DJ.
    "And she's all yours," DJ points at me. I scoff and chuckle.
   "As if," I say lowly, mildly amused.
    "You got it," Duncan smirks and winks at me.
   "WOHOOO!" a loud voice causes me to jump, "Chris! What's happening?" the newest contestant laughs, "this is awesome! Wohoo!"
    "Owen! Welcome!" Chris greets him with the same energy and Owen pulls him into a crushing hug.
   "Awesome to be here man! Yeah! Man this is just so..." he trails off.
    "Awesome?" Gwen finishes.
    "Yes! Awesome!" he whoops again, "are you gonna be on my team?" he looks at Gwen.
    "Oh I sure hope so," she says sarcastically and Owen whoops once more.
    "You about finished?" Chris asks.
   "Sorry dude," Owen sets him down, "I'm just so psyched!"
    "Cool. And here comes Courtney!" Chris helps the brown-haired girl off the boat and she thanks him.
    "Hi! You must be the other contestants. It's really nice to meet you all," Courtney says in a chipper tone.
    "Hows it going? I'm Owen!" Owen says, shaking her hand.
    "Nice to meet you ow... wow!" she, along with all the other girls, get distracted by the new camper. I can't help but check out the eye candy as well. Even Owen seems entranced. The new guy smiles and Sadie faints then and there.
    "This is Justin," Chris introduces, "welcome to total drama island."
    "Thanks Chris. This is great," Justin responds.
    "Just so you know, we picked you based entirely on your looks," Chris says to him.
    "I can deal with that," Justin walks over to us.
    "I like your pants," Owen speaks up and Justin thanks him, "'cause they look like they're all worn out. Did you buy them like that?"
    "Uh no. Just..had them for a while," Justin says, still walking.
    "Oh. Cool!" Owen turns around and smacks himself on the forehead, "Stupid!"
   "Hey everyone. Izzy," Chris introduces the next contestant.
    "Hi Chris! Hi! Hii! Ow!" she trips and falls off the edge of the yacht and slams her chin onto the dock, falling into the water.
    "Ooooh. That was bad," Tyler laughs.
    "Look who's talking," I remark as Courtney runs over to Izzy.
   "Guys. She could be seriously hurt," Courtney pulls Izzy out of the water and she shakes off like a dog.
   "That! Except for hitting my chin. This is summer camp? That is sooo cool. Do you have paper mache here? Are we having lunch soon?" Izzy goes off on a rapid fire of questions.
    "That! Is a good call!" Owen says.
    "First things first. We need a group photo for the promos. Everyone on the end of the dock!" Chris motions and we all move over to where Izzy is. Chris gets onto the boat as we all situate ourselves into our poses. "Ok. 1, 2, 3- Oops! Ok forgot the lens cap. Ok hold that pose...1, 2- oh. No wait. Card's full. Hang on-"
   "Come on, man. My face is starting to freeze," LeSahawna says.
   "Got it. Ok. Everyone say 'Wawanakwa!'" Chris says and we all yell 'Wawanakwa' together before the end of the dock breaks under all the combined weight. "Ok guys. Dry off and meet at the campfire pit in ten," Chris says, unbothered by the teenagers that just fell into the water.

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