Chapter 5

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An air horn sounds, jolting us all awake. There's groans and worlds of frustration from both cabins and we all hear LeShawna yell out the window.
"Do I look like a farmer to you?!" I can't help but laugh at that as I go to get dressed.

Only a couple minutes pass and all 22 of us are standing out in front of the cabins, wondering to ourselves why we're up so early. Cody goes to grab at Eva's MP3 player but she snaps at him as Harold comes lumbering up to the group.
"Morning!" Chris starts in a much too loud and cherry voice for this early in the morning. "Hope you slept well," he continues as we just glare at him tiredly.
"Hi Chris," Heather starts, "you look really buff in those shorts."
"Suck up," I hear Duncan say under a cough and can't help but smack him playfully on the arm. We both laugh quietly as Chris responds.
"I know," he says, walking a line in front of us all, "Okay! I hope you're all ready because you're next challenge begins," he stops in front of Owen and taps his watch, "in exactly one minute!"
"Oh excuse me," Owen pipes up, obviously concerned about something. "I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast!" he smiles sheepishly and shrugs.
"Oh you'll get breakfast, Owen," Chris responds in a menacing tone. "Right after you complete your 20 kilometer run around the lake!" he says excitedly, pointing to the lake.
"Oh so you're funny now," Eva starts, arms crossed and obviously pissed. She walks up to him, fist drawn back "You know what I think would be funny-" Geoff and Duncan tiredly hold her back as Courtney leans in.
"Eva!" she whisper-yells, "try to control your temper." I yawn and rub my eyes, no where near awake.
"You're enjoying this aren't you?!" she yells at Chris.
"A little," he admits, a sly smirk on his face. "You have 30 seconds!" he points at his watch again.
We all line up at the starting line, some prepped in a runner's stance, others just standing there.
"Ok runners!" Chris yells at us, "on your marks...get set....go!!" he yells and most of us start running off while some of us choose to walk instead. Katie, Sadie, Harold, Gwen, Heather, and I are all part of the walkers group.
"Do you know how much longer..?" Harold says as Justin and Bridgette run past us.
"Don't know. Don't care," I speak up, falling in pace with Gwen.
"Don't walk beside us," Gwen says to him as I laugh a bit. He falls out of pace with us and I take the chance to talk to Gwen.
"So..I know we're on opposing teams and all but like- what's your deal?" I say, internally facepalming at the awkward conversation starter.
"My deal?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah- like- what are you about? Why are you here and all that?" I scramble to make sense of what I'm saying.
"Oh. I thought this would be like Big Brother or something. An easy show with easy winnings," she says, relaxing a bit.
"Big Brother? You watch that?" I can't help but smirk a bit at this. She doesn't at all look like the type.
"Hey. Cheesy TV is a guilty pleasure!" She says, pointing at me playfully.
"Yeah yeah you're right," I throw my hands up in surrender, mimicking her playful attitude.
"What about you?" She parrots my question back to me.
"Me? I could just use some cash. I'm going to set up the best gamer den when I win!" I chuckle, half joking with my answer.

Time passes quickly as the two of us chat and we're back at the mess hall before we know it. I walk in a little bit after Courtney and sit down by Duncan. We're both too tired to talk and I didn't bring a game so I just sit and pick at the wooden table. The door busts open with Owen carrying Noah on his shoulder.
"Clear a table! Stat!" Owen yells, throwing an unconscious Noah on a table and starting chest compressions. Harold walks in not too long after.
"What took you so long?! We just lost the challenge!" Courtney scolds a gasping Harold as the rest of us just stare.
"I think I'm having heart palpitations-" he says grasping his chest.
"Yeah right," I roll my eyes a bit, "he was walking behind me the whole time." I whisper to myself and Duncan snorts laughter, causing me to jump out of my spaced out zone.
"Hey wait a minute.." Gwen speaks up, "if they lost, that means..we won the challenge!" she says excited and her entire team cheers.
"Woah there- hold your horses guys!" Chris speaks up, "that wasn't the challenge."
"What did you just say?" Gwen says, all cheerfulness immediately fading.
"Who's hungry?" Chris asks as a curtain opens, revealing a massive buffet table. We all stare in awe at all the foods. Turkey, beans, mashed potatoes, maple syrup, and more adorn the table causing all of our mouths to water.

It only takes minutes for that table to be picked clean by the 22 campers in the mess hall. We all groan at how full and satisfied we are, bellies bulging with food.
"Ok campers!" Chris says, bringing out the megaphone. "Time for part two of your challenge!"
"I thought eating was the second part," Owen says a turkey leg still in his mouth.
"What more do you want from us?" Gwen asks, annoyed.
"Weird goth girl is right!" Heather starts, "haven't we been through enough?"
"Um, let me think about that," Chris says, a sarcastic tone in his voice. "No! It's time for...the awake-a-thon!!" he finishes.
"The what-a-thon..?" Owen questions, rubbing his stomach.
"Don't worry," Chris says, hopping off the table. "This is an easy one! The team with the last camper standing wins invincibility!"
"So," Gwen responds, unimpressed, "what you're saying is the 20k run and the turkey eating frenzy were part of your evil plan to make it harder for us to stay awake?!"
"That's right, Gwen!" he says, not putting down the megaphone. I can't help but cover my ears at this point, overwhelmed by the noise.
"Man he's good.." she admits and I smile tiredly.
"Move! Move! Moooove!" he yells and we all make our way over to the campfire pit.
"So. You gunna help keep me awake, sweet cheeks?" Duncan says, smirking as he jogs up to me.
"Only if you do the same," I smirk a bit.
"Sounds like a deal," he laughs.
"Lets up the ante," I smile slyly. "If you fall asleep before me, you have give me those piercings. If I fall asleep first? You get to put them wherever you want instead." I say, extending my hand to shake. Duncan shakes my hand and we both chuckle a bit, finding our place around the campfire.

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