Chapter 4

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    "Ok! Your first challenge is threefold!" Chris adresses us as we stand with our teams, staring over the edge of the cliff. "Your first task is to jump off this 1000 foot high cliff into the lake!"
    "Piece of cake," Bridgette smiles at me and Courtney, trying to encourage us.
   "If you look down, you will see two target areas," Chris continues. "The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic," he chuckles, "man-eating sharks. Inside that area is a safe zone," the six of us glance around at each other, scared, "That's your target area. Which, we're pretty sure, is shark free."
    "Excuse me?" LeShawna says to Chris. He ignores her and keeps talking.
    "For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each crate, are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge. Building a hot tub! The team that has the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home. Let's see. Killer Bass you're up first!" Chris finishes explaining.
   "Oh wow," Bridgette says, looking over the edge, "so..who wants to go first?" She looks back at all of us who are avoiding her gaze.
   "Hey! Don't sweat it guys, I heard that these shows always make the interns do the stunt first to make sure it's survivable," Owen speaks up. Somehow, I highly doubted that was true for this show.
   "So," Eva says, "who's up?"
    "Ladies first," Duncan says snidely, looking at me and Courtney. I roll my eyes and hide a giggle. Courtney seems less than impressed.
   "Fine," Bridgette speaks up, "I'll go. It's no big deal. Just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks." She says before diving straight into the safe zone. We look over and see her waving from inside the circle as the boat pulls up to take her to shore.
   "She did it! Yeah yeah!!" Tyler says, hyping himself up, "I'm next!!" he steps back a bit then takes a running start off the cliff, shouting, "Kowabunga!" He lands on a buoy crotch first but slides off into the safe zone. Geoff, Eva, Duncan, and I all follow after, each of us landing in the safe zone. The boat pulls up and takes us to shore as we wait for the rest of our team. I give Bridgette a high five and we all cheer as Ezekiel lands in the safe zone too. Harold jumps next and lands in the splits on the water. The rest of the Killer Bass cringe as he screams out. Katie and Sadie jump next with Duncan going last as DJ and Courtney come down the stairs on the side of the mountain. We all watch as the other team plummet off the mountain one by one, screaming. The Killer Bass are all talking amongst ourselves, hoping Owen won't jump or else we lose. But our faces fall as we see him run off the edge of the cliff, splashing all of us.

    After we're all dressed, we start pushing our crates back to the campsite. I can tell the group is hostile towards our two chickens, DJ and Courtney. Even Im a little pissed at them.
   "Ow! I think I got a splinter!" I hear Courtney say while pushing her crate. I roll my eyes as Eva walks over to her, lifting the crate above her head.
   "Shut it and pick up your crate," she drops it on the ground and glares at Courtney, "chicken." Courtney looks at me but I just shrug and go back to pushing mine. "Hey! I'm the only one here with CIT experience. You need me!" she desperately tries to defend herself and Eva glares at her and DJ.
    "I have to take a whiz," Tyler says, setting his crate down.
   "Hurry up. We're already behind," Eva growls.
   "Oh! I have to go too!" Katie says.
   "You do?" Sadie asks, letting go of her crate, "oh my gosh! Me too!" The three of them walk off into the woods to pee.
   "Ow! I think something just bit me," I hear Courtney complaining again. After a few minutes, the trio returns.
   "Can we go now? I think my eye is swelling up!" Courtney says as they come back. We all go back to pushing or carrying our crate. A few minutes of silent anger pass before Sadie speaks up again.
   "Ooh something itching me. Are you itchy too?" she asks Katie.
   "Totally itchy. Really bad," her BFF answers. A few more minutes pass before they keep complaining.
   "Ooh it's really itchy now!" Sadie whines.
   "Mine feels like it's burning," Katie also complains.
   "Ok I have to scratch!" Sadie says as they both stop pushing to scratch their butts.
   "You guys are way behind the other team!" Chris pulls up on a four-wheeler, "like way behind. What's the problem?"
   "Their butts are itchy," Courtney responds to them. Chris cringes when he looks at her.
   "Gah! Oh my boxers that's bad," he says, referring to her eye.
   "Did you guys squat down when you peed in the woods?" Bridgette asks the two itchy girls.
   "Yeah..?" Katie answers.
   "Did you happen to notice what kind of plants you were squatting over?" Bridgette continues her interrogation.
   "They were kinda oval shaped and green and all over the place," Sadie responds this time.
   "Were they low to the ground? About this big?" Bridgette makes a shape with her hands and the girls nod. "You guys squatted on poison ivy." Duncan and I exchange a glance before busting out laughing as the girls freak out.
   "No way. That's awesome!" Chris also laughs. We continue our trek back to camp and eventually make it there.
   "Finally!" Harold exclaims, letting go of his crate.
   "Hey. What's up guys?" Trent says.
   "Hey aren't you missing a couple of white girls?" LeShawna speaks up from inside the crate and the rest of us look around for Katie and Sadie.
   "They're..getting a drink," Courtney says.
   "Yeah. If they drink with their butts," Harold whispers to Ezekiel and they both laugh.
   "Oh girl! What happened to your eye?" LeShawna asks Courtney.
   "Nothing! Just an allergy," she responds.
   "I think it's getting worse," Ezekiel interjects.
   "Shush! We don't want them to know that!" Courtney whisper-yells at him. All of us sit down on the porch of our cabin to rest while Geoff is on the boxes attempting to hype us up.
   "'Kay, dudes. It's not too late. We can do this!" he says to us. Ezekiel sits there picking his nose.
   "Ew!" Courtney says.
   "What?" Ezekiel asks, wiping his hand on his jeans.
   "That's really gross," Bridgette says cringing.
   "Okay guys. We have a hot tub to complete and we need a project manager. Since I've actually been a CIT before, I'm electing myself. Any objections?" Courtney stands up and adresses us all.
"Where do we begin, cyclops?" Duncan asks and I snort, earning a smirk from him.
"Open the crates," Courtney shoves her finger in Duncan's face. "Bridgette, go find those itchy girls. We need all the help we can get." The two teams get together and we both start assembling our hot tubs. The Screaming Gophers seem to be having no trouble at all while the Killer Bass face a myriad of problems. Even with Courtney's "CIT experience."
The teams finish building the hot tubs and Chris comes by to judge them. Inspecting the Screaming Gopher's tub first. The tension builds as he stares at it for a few seconds before speaking up.
" an awesome hot tub!" Chris exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air causing the team to cheer before he heads over to our tub. He bends down and taps it a few times and a jet of water sprays him in the face before the entire thing shakes and collapses.
"Well, I think we have a winner here," Chris begins, "the Screaming Gophers!" after he announces the winner, the team cheers once more. "Gophers! You're safe from elimination and you get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer!" Chris says as he point to the camera, "Bonus!" The Gophers continue to cheer as he turns to our team. "Killer Bass, what can I say? Stinks to be you right now. I'll see your sorry butts at the bonfire tonight," he finishes.
"We won! We all get to stay here for another three days!" Lindsay yells and Heather and Beth hug her joining in on the celebration. A few feet away a naked Owen cheers as well. We all stop and stare as he does his little victory song and dance...completely naked.

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