Chapter 2

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    "This is Camp Wawanakwa," Chris adresses all 23 of us sitting around the fire pit, "Your home for the next eight weeks. The campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates, your competition, and maybe even your friends," all of glance around at each other, "ya dig? The camper who manages to stay on Total Dram Island the longest without getting voted off will win $100,000!" Chris finishes and Duncan steps forward.
"'Scuse me. What will the sleeping arrangements be? Because I'd like to request a bunk under her," Duncan says, pointing to me.
"Gross. They're not co-ed, are they?" I say, a hint of a playful tone in my voice.
"No. Girls get one side of each cabin and dudes get the other," Chris says.
"Um Kyle? Can I have a cabin with the lake view since I'm the prettiest?" Lindsay speaks up.
"Ok you are, but that's not really how it works here, and it's Chris," he says, annoyed.
"I have to live with Sadie or I'll die," Katie says dramatically, grabbing Sadie's hand.
"And I'll break out in hives. It's true!" Sadie finishes.
"This cannot be happening," Gwen pouts and Owen grabs her and Tyler.
"Aw c'mon guys. It'll be fun! It's like a big sleepover!" he says, crushing his two fellow campers.
"At least you don't have to sleep next to him," Tyler says, gesturing to Duncan who is bullying a deer. Gwen and Tyler exchange a look.
"Here's the deal. We're gonna split you into two teams. If I call your name out, go stand over there," Chris points over to his right then begins listing names, "Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Owen, LeShawna, Justin, and Noah. From this moment on you are officially knows as," he tosses them a sign which they catch and unfurl to reveal a green animal on it, "The Screaming Gophers!"
    "Yeah! I'm a gopher!" Owen whoops.
    "Wait. What about Sadie?" Katie says, concerned.
    "The rest of you, over here," Chris points to the other side of the campfire pit, "Geoff,  Bridgette, DJ, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Y/N, Courtney, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, and Harold. Move! Move move move!" we run over to our spot.
    "But Katie's a Gopher! I have to be a Gopher!" Sadie yells.
    "Sadie, is it? Come on! It'll be ok," Courtney makes an attempt to comfort her.
   "This is so unfair. I miss you Katie," she complains, walking with Courtney.
    "I miss you too!" Katie yells back.
    "You guys will be known as," Chris tosses us our sign, "the Killer Bass."
   "It's awesome," Harold says, catching it, "it's like...amazing!"
   "Um Chris? I hate to interrupt but they have one more player than us. Don't you think that's kind of unfair?" Heather raises her hand and speaks up.
    "Do they? Didn't even notice!" Chris says, not caring, "Alright campers. You and your team will be on camera in all public areas during this competition. You will also be able to share your innermost thoughts on video diary whenever you want," Chris gestures to a small outhouse, "Let the audience at home know what you're really thinking or just get something off your chest." we all took a turn in the confessional to get the hang of it. I barely didn't have anything to say and just chuckled a bit, tapping at the camera lens. Once we all were done we went back to the campfire. "Alright. Any questions?" Chris asked us and no one said anything, "alright. Cool. Let's find your cabins." Chris leads us all over to two cabins in a small clearing, "Gophers you're in the East cabin, Bass you're in the west," we approach our cabins and go to set our stuff down. I set my bag on my bed and plop down next to it, back facing the other side of the cabin, pulling out my Nintendo DS and popping in a new game.
    "What're you playing?" Harold breathes into my ear, looming over my shoulder to get a good look at my game. I ignore him and continue to play. "It looks like a Pokémon game. Which one is it?" Harold continues to talk, not picking up on the hint.
    "Shouldn't you be over there picking out a bunk?" I question, annoyed, and shut my game off after saving.
"I already picked my bunk," Harold points to the boys' side of the cabin. Just then Lindsay's voice rings out, complaining about something or other. I get up off my bed to avoid Harold's nagging and decide to talk to Courtney.
"Excuse me, Chris?" I hear Geoff shout from just outside the cabin, "Is there a chaperone of any kind in this facility?"
"You're all sixteen years old, as old as a counselor in training at a regular summer camp, so other than myself, you'll be unsupervised. You've got half an hour to unpack and meet me at the main lodge. Starting now!" Chris says, and walks away.
"Nice!" Geoff exclaims before an ear-piercing shriek is heard from the Gopher's cabin. Soon, all of us are over there seeing the source of the sound.
"Oh man that white girl can scream," LeShawna says when we arrive. Lindsay is standing on a stool staring at a roach on the ground.
"What is it?! Kill it! Kill it!!" she screams, terrified of the bug. DJ screams and jumps onto one of the beds, crushing it.
"That was my bed," Gwen says frustrated as all of us behind trying to squash the roach. The cabin is quickly filled with screams as people start scrambling up the beds and chaos ensues. Duncan grabs an axe and spits the bug in half, catching everyone's attention.
"Well that's one way to do it," I chuckle to myself, staring at the bug. Duncan picks up the axe and slings it over his shoulder. Tyler rushes over to Lindsay.
"If you ever see one of those again, just let me know, ok? 'Cause, you know, I could do that too," Tyler says, flirting with Lindsay.
    "They always go for the jocks," Duncan says, rolling his eyes. I can't help but laugh at this and he turns to look at me, "what's so funny, Princess?" he asks, sharply.
    "Come on- you really didn't see that coming? They're perfect for each other!" I say back, giggling. He just rolls his eyes.

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