Chapter 3

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    Courtney and I walked together to the mess hall, chatting about our lives and Bridgette joined us about halfway there. Once all the campers arrived, we lined up silently.
    "Listen up!" the chef adresses us all, "I serve it three times a day and you will eat it three times a day! Grab a tray, get your food, and sit your butts down now!" he yells.
    "Excuse me, will we be getting all the major food groups?" Beth asks as Chef starts serving the food.
    "Yeah, 'cause I get hypoglycemic real bad if I don't get enough sugar," Harold continues.
    "You'll get 'sit your butt down!'" Chef yells in his face.
   "Have a cow!" Owen mutters to Noah.
    "What was that?" Chef asks, and the two boys jump, "come closer, big guy, I didn't hear you," Owen grabs his tray.
   "Um- I really didn't say anything important," he says, scampering away to his seat.
    "I'm sure you didn't" chef says after him before addressing Noah. "You. Scrawny kid. Gimme your
plate," he drops another scoop of the meat onto Noah's bun. I grab my food and go take a seat between Duncan and Courtney. Bridgett and Geoff are across from us and DJ is next to Duncan. I'm back on my DS while we all eat, tuning out the various complaints of the other campers.
     "So..what are you playing, Y/N?" Courtney asks, avoiding her food.
   "Pokémon Red," I say, between bites. I find a safe spot in my game and save it, powering off the device and taking off my jacket.
"Who do you think the fiercest player on the other team is?" Courtney asks, I can tell she's trying to get me on her good side and I honestly don't mind.
"Probably Heather. She seems like the type to manipulate her way through a game like this. What do you think?" I decide to be friendly back to her. If I make too many enemies, I won't last long.
"I agree. She'll probably form an alliance early on to try to take to the end," Courtney nods, "what about the cutest guy?" she asks, lowering her voice to almost a whisper. I glance around the room at all the guys and open my mouth to respond but get cut off by a voice.
"Welcome to the main lodge!" Chris says, walking into the building.
"Yo, my man, can we order a pizza?" Geoff asks him but is immediately shut down my chef throwing a knife into the wall. "Woah! It's cool, g. Brown slop is cool," Geoff quickly backs down, "right guys?" he asks all of us and we nod in agreement.
"Your first challenge begins in one hour!" Chris says, walking out.
"What do you think they'll make us do?" Katie asks, looking at DJ.
"It's our first challenge. How hard can it be?" DJ responds.
"I guess we'll find out," I say, finishing my food, "do you want to walk back to the cabin with me?" I ask Courtney. She nods, picking up her empty tray and standing up. We go put our trays away and head back to the cabin. We sit down on the little porch out front and I start to get out my DS as background while chatting with Courtney.
    "You never answered the question, Y/N," she cuts me off before I can boot up the game.
"I think DJ and Geoff are pretty hot. But personality wise? None of them," I lie, staring off at the woods. "What do you think?"
"I really think Justin is cutest. Maybe Geoff as follow up," Courtney responds.
    "Really? Justin? I mean I get he's a model and all but he's just so.." I trail off, pausing for a second to think, "full of himself! Sure he's hot but it cancels out," I say and Courtney just shrugs. As I go to pull out my DS again, DJ, Geoff, and Duncan walk past us into the cabin, laughing at something one of them said. I give a small wave to the trio and my face tints a slight shade of red when Duncan raises his hand in a half-assed wave.
   "Hey dudes!" Geoff says in response and DJ smiles, waving cheerfully. Just then, a voice speaks from the speakers all around camp.
    "Campers! Our first challenge starts in 30 minutes! Get into your swimsuits and meet me at the top of the cliff!" Chris's cheerful, host tone rings out. Courtney and I get up to grab our suits from inside the cabin. I open up my black suitcase and gently tuck my game boy away then pull out my black and white checker suit.
   "Hey! After we change do you dudes want to hike up with us?" I hear Geoff's voice speak up.
   "Sure!" Courtney answers for us, "as long as Bridgette can join too!" Her cheery, sweet voice replies.
    "Of course, man!" DJ says then the five of us exit to go to the bathrooms to change. After we change, Courtney and I wait in the bathroom for Bridgette to ask if she wants to walk with us and the boys. She agrees and we head out to the cabin to meet up with them. As the six of us walk up the mountain together, we all idly chat amongst ourselves. Mostly simple questions to get to know each other and such. Duncan stays silent most of the time except for a few snide remarks while the rest of us do the talking.
   "So Duncan," I decide to speak directly to him after a while of glances at his shirtless torso and silently laughing at his dumb remarks, "did you actually do your piercings yourself..?" I ask somewhat hesitantly.
    "Yeah," he side eyes me with a raised eyebrow, "why do you ask?"
    "I always felt like I'd look good with a labaret piercing," I shrug, fiddling with the spot the piercing would be. "Or maybe an eyebrow one?" I move my hand to the slit in my eyebrow.
   "Sure gorgeous. Meet me in the cabin after the challenge?" his suspicion fades when he realizes I'm genuinely interested. I nod and turn a bit red. Courtney and Bridgette exchange a look and giggle to themselves. I shoot them both a glare and they simply smile smugly at me.
"Whatever you two are thinking, don't," I say playfully, smiling back. We all slip back into our quiet ice breakers until we reach the top of the cliff to start the next challenge.

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