Chapter 10

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One evening, everyone was in the living room, when suddenly Jiwon burst in, looking extremely worried.

"Whoa, hyung, you okay?" Hyunsuk asked.

"NO! She's here! We have to go, NOW!"

"What? Who?" Yuri was surprised by the commotion and stopped reading her book.

But the others had already understood.

Haruto raised his voice.

"Where exactly is she?"

"I don't know, but I found this in my room," replied Jiwon, pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket.

It was all crumpled up when he gave it to Haruto to see. He read it out loud:

You cannot get rid of me that easily, darling! Hell is waiting for you...

"What kind of nonsense is this? Are you sure none of these monkeys did this?" Hyunsuk asked angrily, pointing to the boys.

"No, Hyunsuk-ah... It's my wife, I know her."

"What can we do now, hyung?" groaned Junghwan, scared.

Everybody seemed tense. Only Jeongwoo looked puzzled.

He opened his mouth to say something but Jiwon continued:

"But I suspect she's here also for Yuri. She's the chosen one."

Yuri looked up and said, "But–"

"No time to explain. We've got to hide," interrupted Jiwon.

"I know a great place to hide temporarily," suggested Doyoung.

"Jeongwoo-ah, is she in this room?" asked Yoshi.

"How would he know?" Yuri was confused.

"Actually, Jisoo noona's power is invisibility," explained Asahi. "So he can try to sense someone else's thoughts, to see if she's here."

Jeongwoo closed his eyes and focused. About 30 seconds later, he said that she wasn't there.

"Great! Then Doyoung, lead the way," Mashiho said.

Everybody left the school, and headed for the forest, with Jeongwoo behind everybody else, making sure Jisoo wasn't following them.

After walking for about 15 minutes, they reached a wooden cabin.

"Me, Junghwannie, and Jaehyuk hyung always come play here in our free time. I think we would be safe for the time being," assured Doyoung.

So they all entered the cabin, all except Jiwon and Jeongwoo.

"Hey, Jeongwoo-ah, do you mind having a little chat?" The older guy called Jeongwoo.

The latter followed him.

Meanwhile, inside the cabin, the atmosphere was very tense. Everybody was really worried, especially Yedam, for Yuri.

But Yuri was still curious about her abilities. She was about to ask Asahi about them, when Jiwon and Jeongwoo stepped into the cabin.

The younger boy said, "I think I sense her coming. This place isn't safe either."

"Are you sure, Jeongwoo-ah?" Hyunsuk seemed concerned because Jeongwoo looked really pale.

"Yes, I feel it." He seemed really sure of himself.


The other stared at him in dismay. It took them a lot of time to come to the cabin, who knows how long they would need to go somewhere else without being seen by Jisoo.

"I have an idea!" cried Mashiho.

"Which is?" Yoshi interrupted him.

The latter glared at Yoshi, then looked at Jeongwoo, who nodded and turned to everybody and sent a message to their minds, fearing Jisoo would hear him.

"We could send Yuri noona with Haruto, Hyunsuk hyung, and Asahi hyung to hide somewhere, while we distract Jisoo noona. Yuri noona would be safe because the others will be with her, and they are strongest amongst us."

"Alright then, it's settled," said Jiwon.

The four set out to find out a new hiding place, while the others surrounded the cabin, with Jeongwoo on the lookout.

It had been 10 minutes since they left the others, when Yuri spoke up.

"What is so special about me anyway?"

Hyunsuk was surprised she asked this. Asahi answered her.

"You have the power to defeat the darkest being on Earth, because you were born from the fusion of the two rarest powers : self-sustenance and technopathy, and because you were born on the day of a red moon, which appears every 150 years."

"Wow! That's... unbelievable!" gasped Yuri.

"I know, right?" chuckled Hyunsuk, patting her back. "You don't know what you're capable of doing."

Suddenly, they heard someone stepping on a stick behind them. Asahi's hands glowed a purple glow, and he turned around swiftly. But he saw nothing.

The others were alarmed. Leaves rustled around them, like somebody else was there too.

"Show yourself!" shouted Haruto (frozen 2 hehe), his hands rolling into fists.

Asahi and Hyunsuk came forward, pushing Yuri behind them.

In front of them, a  silhouette appeared, slowly becoming opaque and colourful, until it was a person.

It was Jisoo. 


Sorry guys, for making you wait so long! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter...😊

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