Chapter 11

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Yuri admired the woman standing in front of her, her dark brown and wavy hair, her almond shaped doe eyes, and the light dimple at the bottom of her right cheek. Was she really supposed to be a villain?

"Hello Hyunsuk, Asahi, and Haruto. Long time no see," said Jisoo, a slight smile creeping up her mouth.

Even her voice sounds beautiful and innocent, thought Yuri.

"Why are you here?" grumbled Hyunsuk.

"Do you really hate your Jisoo noona that much?" sighed Jisoo, her smile fading away.

"After what you did, yeah," snapped Asahi.

"But it isn't true, I was framed," said Jisoo, her tone changing to a cold one.

"You really expect us to believe that? Ha, stop being so delusional!" laughed Haruto.

Jisoo looked extremely drained out. She noticed Yuri standing behind Hyunsuk and Asahi.

"Are you new here?"


Hyunsuk nudged her. "Yuri-ah, don't talk to her!"

Yuri didn't say anything. Better not argue with Hyunsuk now, he was only trying to protect her.

She wasn't there when it all happened, so she could only believe what they told her, because she had been with them for more than a month now.

"But I have proof!" mumbled Jisoo.

The three boys stared at her in disbelief, while Yuri avoided eye-contact with her.

A few moments later, they heard a buzzing noise from far away. They realized it was Junghwan running to them, carrying somebody on his back. It was Junkyu, judging by the water spraying behind them.

When they reached the others, Junkyu got off Junghwan's back, looking extremely furious.

"Get away from them!" he pointed to Jisoo his voice full of hatred. Junghwan stood behind Junkyu, his eyes shaking.

Jisoo's eyes widened but she didn't say anything.

To everyone's surprise, Junkyu threw a water ball at her, which slowly formed a bubble around her. She was trapped inside.

"Let me out!" she yelled, desperately punching the bubble wall.

"It's just going to make it stronger," said Junkyu, somewhat sadly.

Yuri was shocked. She looked at Junkyu, who turned his head away, looking shameful.

"Let's just go back," said Hyunsuk, sensing the uncomfortable atmosphere.

"No! Don't make me go back to Jiwon! You don't know what he does!" Jisoo pleaded, making Yuri's heart ache.

"Do we really need to do it?" she turned to the others.

To her surprise, even Junghwan nodded.

"Noona, she tried to kill us!" he explained.

"But she said she has proof she didn't do it!" Yuri cried.

"We aren't going to discuss this here, Yuri-ah," Asahi said, firmly.

So, everybody headed back to the Academy, while Junghwan brought the big bubble containing Jisoo at superspeed.

Nobody saw Jisoo afterwards, but they all gathered around in the living room and waited for Jiwon.

After a long while, when he came, everybody rushed to him.

"What did she say?"

"What happened?"

"Does she still want to kill us?"

"Are you okay?"

"Is she okay?" This one, of course, from Yuri.

"One at a time, please!" Jiwon said, loudly.

Almost at once, Doyoung asked:

"What did you say to her?"

"Well, I asked her to stop this nonsense, and showed her the letter, but she denied the fact that she wrote it!"

Jeongwoo interrupted him.

"Where is she now, hyung?"

Jiwon turned to him in surprise.

"She is in the east wing of the building. But you guys aren't allowed to go there, for your safety."

He looked around to see if anybody had any other questions. Only Yuri seemed puzzled.

"Did she show you the proof?"

"What proof?" asked Jiwon, perplexed.

"She said she had proof that she didn't drink the Elixir, and that you were lying."

Yuri said this with the utmost certainty, as that of an innocent child, but the others looked alarmed, as they had known their hyung for a long time, and they knew that he hated it when somebody said he was lying.

"Proof, huh?" he said scratching his chin. "No, she didn't mention anything, but I guess I should ask her that, then."

He turned around, walked up to the door and took the corridor to the left.

"Hey, Jiwon-ssi! You went the wrong way! The east wing is on the right!" shouted Yuri, but Jiwon ignored it, and walked away.

"Huh! What a weird guy!" she thought.

After that, everyone resumed their activities, except Yuri. She had politely refused to play with them, or study.

She was still very curious, partly because she hadn't been there when all the problems with Jisoo had occurred.

She looked at everybody. They were all busy, laughing and chatting together.

Then she looked at the door. It wouldn't hurt to just exchange a few words with Jisoo, would it? She had so many questions.

Without thinking twice, she tiptoed out of the living room, then headed towards the east wing.


Did you enjoy reading this chapter? I should warn you, a huge turn is coming!

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