Chap 1: White Pedals of Poison

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Original story:

Luigi's POV:

   Although it had seemed impossible for me to date someone for more than a year, I have finally found a girl who not only wants to be with me but also chooses me first to play sports and video games with, despite my lack of skill in Donkey Kart (although, let's be real, it's not my fault that Rainbow Road is Daisy's best track!). To show my appreciation, I decided to surprise her with a bouquet of daisies today and planned a trip around the kingdom. I'm hoping she will be able to join me, although I'm not entirely sure about her work schedule. It's surprising to me that she even considered me as a partner since even my own brother, Mario, dislikes me quite a bit, but I am grateful that she is willing to spend time with me and enjoy my company.

   Upon arriving at the grand Sarasaland Castle, I was met by a group of friendly Toads who informed me that Princess Daisy was currently holed up in her room, likely tending to her royal duties. Letting out a quick sigh, I realized that her quarters were located on the very top floor of the castle and began making my way up the winding staircase, lost in thought as I wondered why she wasn't taking a well-deserved break. You see, Daisy is not one to overwork herself and often takes time off to play with her friends, especially to keep up her friendly rivalry with the beloved Princess Peach. I couldn't help but wonder why she wouldn't take a break on this special day, our anniversary, which was a significant milestone in our relationship. Despite my concerns, I remained optimistic and hoped that Daisy would take some time to celebrate our love and cherish this special moment together.

   I ascended the seemingly endless staircase, my body began to ache and fatigue set in, leaving me feeling surprised at how taxing such a simple task could be, especially for someone who prided themselves on their physical fitness. "Finally..." After what felt like an eternity, I arrived at Daisy's room. However, as I stood there, straightening my hat, I couldn't help but notice an unfamiliar sound that made my stomach feel like a pit of dread. It was the sound of kissing. A wave of unsettling thoughts ran through my mind as I struggled to make sense of what I was hearing. Daisy would never cheat on me, even if I'm not the most perfect partner. But what else could this sound mean? Was it possible that she had fallen out of love with me and had found someone else? Would she break up with me and be honest about her feelings, rather than carry on with me while secretly seeing someone else? How long had this been going on, if that were the case? The uncertainty of the situation left me feeling disoriented and lost.

   As I emerged from my deep thoughts, I gathered up the bouquet of daisies that I had brought with me and positioned them behind my back, careful not to reveal them just yet. I also took care to conceal a stray petal that had fallen to the ground earlier, discreetly tucking it under my shoe. I gently raised my fist and rapped softly on the door, feeling a sense of nervous anticipation as I waited for a response. The rustling sound of movement could be heard from within before everything went eerily silent. Then, finally, the door creaked open just a tiny bit, revealing a slightly disheveled Daisy standing before me, her hair tousled. "Hey, Luigi! What brings you here today?"

   I stood before Daisy, trying my best to maintain a smile and appear composed, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. Despite her warm greeting, her demeanor seemed off somehow, and my intuition was telling me that all was not right. Summoning my courage, I decided to confront her, determined to get to the bottom of things. "Daisy, something sound wrong. Are you sure everything's okay?" I asked, my voice tinged with concern. Although I desperately hoped that I was wrong, a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach suggested otherwise. I needed her to be honest with me, even if it meant facing some hard truths. "Oh yes, everything is fine," she replied, her words sounding forced and unconvincing. "I...yeah, everything's okay, so...why are you here?" My heart sank as I realized that she was not being entirely truthful with me. It was clear that she was hiding something, and I couldn't help but wonder if she was with someone else. Despite my fears, I still hoped that she would be honest with me, as that was all I had ever asked of her.

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