Chap 9: Snuggle and Struggle

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Luigi's POV: 

   I gazed around the room from the comfort of the bed, and an unsettling feeling lingered within me (It isn't mine). Seeking some comfort, I reached down and picked up one of Jr's plushies from the floor, hugging it tightly, even though I knew it might appear childish. As I hear the door creak open, I instinctively retreat further into the corner, my heart pounding with anticipation. However, relief washes over me as I see that it's just Jr., and I gradually begin to relax.

   "I mean, Dad isn't all that bad, you know?" With tired eyes, I peek at him from over the sheets, keeping my face hidden. He seems friendly but how am I supposed to put trust in someone who just kidnapped me...? Well, pretty much kidnaps anyone.

   "Dad... Has a lot of reasons for doing what he does, and he has been better-" He stepped into the dimly lit room, his footsteps echoed lightly on the polished wooden floor and softened on the fluffed carpet as he approached the bed, "Can I tell you about it??" Excited to share the news, he hopped lightly on his toes as he approached to tell him.

   The idea of learning more about Bowser was alluring but I smiled slightly and ruffled his hair, "I'll-a wait for your-a dad to tell-a me h-himself, for-a now I just-a want a n-nap..."

   He swiftly slapped her hand away from his hair, playfully pouting afterward. Glancing at me, he broke into a wide grin and said, "Move over, I wanna go in too!" With a sudden leap, he jumped up and crashed into the bed next to me, causing me to startle, fearing that he might land right on top of me. Is my heart still in my chest??

   "Heheh, you're funny!" As his words left his mouth, he responded by enveloping me in a warm, affectionate hug. Before I knew it, he laid down, gently pulling me along with him like a choke slam, and I couldn't help but marvel, how strong is this kid?? 

    I settled down on the comfortable bed, a sense of tranquility washed over me, and I embraced the shelled child tenderly, drawing them close to my chest (More like my whole body with how big this kid is). In that tender moment, I could sense a gentle vibration as if the little one were chuckling in contentment.

   And so, in the stillness of that moment, I found myself surrendering to the allure of sleep, embarking on a journey into the realm of dreams where it defies the boundaries of the possible or sends me into memories of the past. The darkness of the room draped its dark veil over the world sending me off.

Dream State:

   As I walked through the snowy landscape, I chopped logs with my axe in a rhythmic cycle. My face was clean-shaven, but my hair kept falling over it with no hat in sight. The winter scene was picturesque, with snow-laden trees and a frozen creek nearby. Amidst the serene beauty, I found a sense of peace and connection with nature. After a day's work, I stood still, cherishing this tranquil moment in the winter wilderness.

   "Luigi! You gotta looka at what I snagged!" I shifted my gaze toward my brother, and a warm sense of nostalgia washed over me. He sported a faint but determined stubble of a mustache, a sign of his approaching teenhood. His vibrant personality was evident in the way he proudly wore a red hat, emblazoned with a bold "M" that seemed to symbolize not only his and Papa's name but also his unwavering self-assurance in being able to grab it.

   "Eh, bro! Why-a you grabba that!? He's-a gonna kill you... How-a did you grab it??" No stutter in sight. I couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight of his mischievous grin. He seemed to take great pleasure in my surprised expression as he playfully tumbled into the soft, powdery snow. Mario's infectious laughter echoed through the air, and I couldn't resist joining in. "He left it-a after his shower!"

   "Ah, well-a let's-a go to the barn to give it to him before he-a freaks, eh?" I meticulously stack up the freshly chopped wood, the crisp scent of pine fills the air, carried by a gentle breeze that rustles through the surrounding trees. "Eh, what-a are you talkin' about...? The barn-a has been gone for a while, the-a hat is-a mine now... You-a okay bro?" 

   My hands instinctively halt their motion, the axe poised in mid-air, as I take a moment to register the weight of those unexpected words. I turn slowly trying to comprehend what he had said, "Whatta do you... Me--"

   As the brilliant glow of the flickering light envelops me, I am momentarily taken aback, struggling to comprehend the gravity of the situation unfolding before my eyes. The barn, once a symbol of creation and a sanctuary for treasured memories, is now engulfed in flames, its familiar silhouette obscured by the raging inferno.

   "Nah, you-a couldn't have-a forgotten. You-a were at the house-a too, no way you have-a erased it." The sensation of Mario's gloved hand gently touching my face rouses me from the shock of the barn's inferno. With a tender yet firm grip, he turns my head to face another heart-wrenching scene unfolding before us. There, at a further distance, sits the very house we knew so well, now engulfed in flames, the angry fire licking at its walls hungrily.

   As tears welled up in my eyes, an overwhelming surge of emotion compelled me to blink, transporting me to the horrifying scene before me—a once-sturdy house now engulfed in raging flames, its walls crackling and collapsing, while desperate screams echoed through the air, sending shivers down my spine. I find solace in the presence of Mario, despite him holding my head in place.

   "You-a erased-a it because you-a can't-a handle being-a pathetic. Listen-a to her, and-a look-a down." With a sense of trepidation, I slowly lowered my gaze toward my trembling hands. There, nestled within their grasp, was Mamma's cherished hat—the vibrant shade of green that she adored, with the distinguished L emblem embroidered on it.

   "Eh, you-a don't deserve it after-a your pathetic work. You-a doesn't deserve to-a sleep-a peacefully." I turn my gaze catching sight of Mario, who now stands eerily close behind my shoulder. The dim light casts a haunting shadow over his form, making him appear darker than usual. To my horror, his once friendly visage seems distorted, as if it's melting away into a ghastly grin. Blood ominously drips from his grotesque mouth, adding to the nightmarish spectacle.

   His eyes, which were once filled with life and warmth, now resemble hollow, empty sockets that seem to peer into the depths of my soul. The chilling sight sends shivers down my spine, and I struggle to comprehend the nightmarish transformation slowly out of his humanoid form.

        "Wake up." 


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