Chap 6: Let's go with Dr.

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Luigi's POV:

   "Luigi, I want you to know that all of the tasks we have for you are designed to give you something productive to do while also helping us out. We would never ask you to do anything that could harm you or anyone else, I promise." I struggle with looking the other in the eye, and I quickly averted my gaze feeling uncomfortable and too light. Those red eyes are something...

   "Yeh, soundsa fair but... Like... What kinds?" Throughout my life, I've held numerous jobs in an attempt to differentiate myself from my brother. To be honest, I've lost count after reaching the thirty mark. It's been a challenge to find employment that aligns with my interests when I've done so many... What kind of jobs do the Koopas even have under Bowsers' leadership?

   I couldn't help but notice Bowser's smirk as he leaned forward, attempting to establish more eye contact with me. I couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated, as the Koopa King had a reputation for being rather menacing. Despite his imposing presence, Bowser spoke in a surprisingly calm tone as he addressed me.

   "Well, why don't you tell me all that you can do?" he asked, his voice laced with curiosity. "I know you're a little handyman," he added, perhaps attempting to disarm me with a compliment.

   I couldn't help but feel a sudden wave of heat wash over my face. I wondered where it could be coming from, as it didn't seem like there were any sources of heat nearby... It is a giant castle so it could be that. Nonetheless, I tried to focus on the task at hand and answered the question that had been posed to me.

   "Well..." I began, pausing for a moment to collect my thoughts. "I've had lots of jobs, but I always liked being a doctor and woodworking." As the words left my mouth, I felt a small rush of joy course through me as I remembered the tightness in my chest when smaller patients thanked me for my help. It was moments like those that made all the hard work and long hours worthwhile.

   I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia as I thought back on my experiences as a doctor and woodworker. The medical field had always fascinated me, and the opportunity to help others had been incredibly fulfilling. On the other hand, woodworking had been a hobby of mine for as long as I could remember. 

   Bowser looked at me with surprise as I mentioned my love for woodworking. "Woodworking? I've always seen you as a doctor," he remarked, his tone laced with curiosity. I couldn't help but smile at his reaction, as I had always enjoyed surprising people with my diverse range of skills.

   As I thought back to my experiences with woodworking, memories of my father flooded my mind. I could picture him vividly, with his trusty red hat with the M on it, teaching me how to cut pine trees and which ones were better for fires. As a child, I had always been fascinated by the way he could take a piece of wood and turn it into something beautiful and functional or simply watch it glow in the orange of the fire. There was something special about working with wood, the way it smelled and felt under my hands, that always brought me a sense of peace and satisfaction.

   "I've-a done a lot with-a it..." My voice trailed off wanting to leave this conversation there, not ready to continue thinking about my parents and what I've lost with them being gone now.

   "Alright well... Let's go with Doctor, Dr. Luigi," he said with a smirk, and I had to resist the urge to grab a nearby pillow and smack it across his face. His arrogant attitude was starting to get under my skin, and I could feel myself getting flustered (well more flustered...)  It seems that now there are other things processing in Bowser's head...

Bowser's POV:

   As I took a deep breath, I paused to gather myself before looking around the room. It was important to me to ensure that no one had left the dining room or started bickering again. I took note of the expressions on everyone's faces and the tone of their voices to be sure 100% that they won't do anything when I leave Luigi to himself in a room.

  "Bowser, may I go back-a to Jr.'s room or maybe a guest-a room?" I analyze the situation, it dawns on me that Luigi may be confused about where he needs to go next. After all, he may have thought that his time here involves staying confined in a child's room for an extended period like he was doing earlier.

   I let out a deep sigh, a wave of frustration washes over me as I come to the realization that I made a foolish mistake. I failed to provide my guest with clear instructions about where he was staying, which has now caused confusion and unnecessary stress for him. "Head on back to Jr's room, I'll come and show you to your room." 

   As the man hastily exits the room, he crouches down as low as his towering height allows him to. With a sense of urgency, he scurries towards the massive, weighty door looming ahead of him. As he reaches it, he quickly slips behind it and pulls it shut with a forceful push, ensuring that it is firmly closed behind him. The heavy thud of the door echoes throughout the room.

   I take a deep breath before speaking and look directly into the eyes of my children letting my gaze drift from each, wanting to make sure that my message is received loud and clear. "I'm only going to say this once," I begin firmly, "You are to treat him with respect and as a person. Not as a pet or as someone beneath you as we would to the Mushroom Kingdoms soldiers and Mario."

I pause for a moment, allowing my words to sink in. It's important to me that the Koopalings in front of me understand the gravity of the situation. I continue, my tone unwavering, "He is not to be treated as a lesser being simply because he is being held here. He deserves to be treated with dignity and respect just like any other person."

   As the meeting comes to an end, I allow a moment of silence to linger in the air before rising from my seat. Without a word, I make my way toward the door, "You're all dismissed," I say, my voice even as I exit the room. As the door closes behind me, I take a deep breath, feeling the cool air of the hallway filling my lungs and I start my walk to Jr's room. 

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