Chap 7: Hidden Behind Lines

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Luigi's POV:

   As I walked out of the dining room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. Even though my future was still uncertain, I was grateful for this small act of kindness from Bowser. Actually... The handful of moments of him calming me down or protecting me started raising questions in my head. (I'm not getting Stockholm syndrome thank you!!)

   I snapped out of my thoughts and noticed that the castle's hallways were bustling with activity. A stream of Koopa Troopas and Goombas seemed to have just finished their lunch break and were now heading back to their respective duties.

   The sudden influx of activity made me feel uneasy, and I instinctively walked along the wall to avoid the crowded main pathway. I tried my best to stay out of their way and avoid any unwanted attention. I couldn't shake the feeling that I didn't belong here, that I was an intruder in this place that was not meant for me.

   As I walked, I couldn't help but notice the curious glances from some of the creatures passing by. It made me feel even more self-conscious and anxious as if they could see right through me and uncover my true intentions. I couldn't afford to let my guard down, not even for a second.

   I frantically looked over my shoulder, I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that no one was following me. But my relief was short-lived, as I suddenly found myself careening right into a group of 3 Koopa Troopas and 2 Goombas.

   In my haste, I didn't see them coming until it was too late. I stumbled forward and tried to regain my balance, but before I knew it, I was slammed against the wall and pinned down by the group. I began to stutter out apologies, hoping that they would take pity on me and let me go. But my words fell on deaf ears, and the Koopa's grip on me only tightened.

   "Well lookie here boys! It's Mario's brother! Why you here eh? Bowser kidnap ya? You a traitor and really on our side behind your bros back?" They all laugh like the funniest joke on the planet was told. Their eyes reminded me of the ones Roy had when he glared at me from the table. 

   As the group shared a hearty chuckle, one of the Goombas suddenly stopped and cast a curious gaze toward Luigi. The Goomba's sharp eyes scanned him closely, taking note of his appearance and demeanor.

   The Goomba scrutinized Luigi, and the rest of the group continued their conversation, oblivious. He shift on his injured and bandaged leg trying to think before it finally clicked. "Wait I know you! You're the Jade Shadow! I thought you were a Yoshi for a while..." My face immediately drained of all color. A feeling of dread washed over me as I realized that things were only going to get worse from here on out... Uh Oh.

Bowser's POV:

   I made my way down the dimly lit hallway, and a feeling of guilt began to gnaw at me. I knew that I needed to apologize for what had happened earlier - the whole... kidnapping thing. Look the guy obviously has some sort of anxiety issues and other things in his life and this whole situation must have made it worse. 

 I had the expectation, certain of Mario's decision when faced with a hostage situation,  I believed that he would choose his brother over the princess. However, as events unfolded, Mario ended up selecting the princess as the hostage he would rescue. He is so wrong... So much worse than even myself!

   As I walked down the hallway, the sound of voices gradually grew louder and more distinct. My ears pricked up as I recognized the familiar voices of a Goomba and Luigi engaged in conversation. Intrigued, I quickened my pace and turned the corner to see what was going on.

"Yousa confusin' me wit s-s-someone e-else?" "No, you're the one that saved me and a few of my other comrades!" 

   Drawing near,  I witnessed a distressing scene unfold before my eyes. Luigi was pinned against the wall, his face contorted in pain as a menacing Koopa held him in place. The rest of the group stood behind, their expressions ranging from humor to outright hostility other than the Goomba.

   With a calm yet authoritative voice, I demanded, "Let him go. Now." Smoke lightly cleared my vision from my nostrils releasing the steam that was building in my throat. The Koopa hesitated for a moment, registering who was standing in front of him, before finally releasing his grip on Luigi.

   As I helped Luigi to his feet, I could sense the tension in the air dissipating before it was replaced with the natural fear of discipline. "Now you're all going to go to your quarters and speak to your Dorm Leader, If you don't I will find out, and your punishments will be provided." I hold up a hand in front of the Goomba to hold them back for a small chat. Once the Koopa's turned the corner I lowered myself slightly to try and have the conversation face to face.

   "Now what were you saying about him saving you?" Luigi's cheeks puffed seeing he is being ignored slightly while they are talking about him right here! "He did! He has been a myth around because no one could catch sight of him!" 

 Past Luigi POV:

   I feel incredibly out of place on all of these daring missions, but at least Mario has entrusted me with the opportunity to embark on this one, to assist in the retrieval of an enchanted item, critical for the Mushroom Kingdom's salvation and the rescue of several Toads who find themselves afflicted by a distressing condition...? I'm unsure I wasn't told much about it but I'm happy to help!

   As Mario dashed forward, leaving me behind to catch my breath and regain my stamina, I got back up quickly to follow, yearning to finally be able to run next to him. However, upon reaching the scene where he had vanished from sight, a disturbing sight greeted my eyes: the aftermath of his rampage inflicted upon the Koopa group, the ghastly trails of crimson staining the surroundings, their sheer volume leaving me utterly stunned and profoundly shaken, "Mama Mia..." 

   Compelled by an overwhelming sense of responsibility and regret, I couldn't bear to leave the victims in such a tragic state, the result of Mario's inexplicably excessive use of force in his jumps. The impact of his actions was devastating, for among the group of ten, two souls were horrifically crushed beyond recognition, their identities stripped away, and reduced to mere casualties until identified. The profound weight of this realization settled upon me, dashing any hope of saving them from such a gruesome fate.

  As I fumbled through my belongings, my hands trembling with a mix of fear and determination, I retrieved a small first aid kit I always carried with me. I knew deep down it might not be enough to fully heal the grievous wounds I had just witnessed, but it could at least help stem the flow of blood, buying some precious time until others could find and attend to the injured. With a heavy heart, I crouched beside the victims, my mind racing as I did my best to apply the bandages and administer what little aid I could offer in that moment.

  I tended to their wounds, a dilemma tugged at my conscience. On one hand, my loyalty to my brother, who had asked me to join this quest, urged me to continue following his path. However, the images of the... This...  He had caused weighed heavily on my mind, causing me to question whether his methods were truly justifiable! Should I keep pursuing him? Potentially witnessing more gore in his wake, or should I choose a different path—one that led back home, where I could find solace in the mundane act of scrubbing my hands, attempting to wash away the haunting images of the day's events?

Conflicted and torn between these contrasting desires, I sat down for a moment to catch my breath and gather my thoughts. Why does everything I do lead me to this? Why must I always follow...

Busted Ticker- Luigi x Bowser (REMAKE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora