Chap 11: The First Quest-- Not the Best One.

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Luigi's POV:

   As I jolted awake from the haunting nightmare, my heart raced, and I gasped for breath, disoriented and struggling to make sense of my surroundings. My eyes darted around the dimly lit room, desperately attempting to piece together the fragments of reality that were still eluding me.

   The remnants of the dream clung to my mind like cobwebs, making it difficult to discern between that corrupted memory and the real world. I reached for the comforting touch of the familiar, my fingers grazing the softness of the sheets beneath me, seeking reassurance that I was indeed safe and sound in the bed with Jr next to me.

   I scanned the room once again, and a sense of tranquility washed over me, allowing me to focus more keenly on my surroundings. My eyes settled on the digital alarm clock perched on the nightstand, and its luminous digits revealed the time to be 2 am. The soft glow of the numbers cast a gentle ambiance, painting the room in subtle hues of blue. "Two... Great-a..."

   A sudden realization dawns upon me; the urgent need to visit the bathroom has become undeniable. Hastily, I rise from my spot and head towards the door, navigating through the dim surroundings. Upon opening the door, the soft glow emanating from the lantern-lit hallway reveals the presence of a small table stationed next to the door. Its contents catch my attention—a lantern yet to be ignited, a neatly folded set of spare clothes, and a note carefully placed nearby.

   I decide to lift up the note, drawing it closer to get a better look. I hold it up to the light, making sure every word on it is clear and legible. "Hello Luigi, these clothes are for you, they might not fit properly though. To the left, there should be the bathroom if you'd like to shower. -Bowser." He has better writing than I expected with those claws.

    Grasping the matchstick from underneath the lantern and igniting it, its warm glow casts delicate shadows around me. With it now illuminated, I begin my journey down the dimly lit hallway, eagerly searching for the bathroom. The stone floor beneath my feet echoes faintly. 

   As I gaze at the paintings adorning the walls, I relish the opportunity to truly appreciate them. My attention is immediately drawn to the first one that catches my eye. It depicts a splendid collection of regal-looking cats, each adorned with a unique coat of colors and intricate patterns. The canvas comes alive with the expressions whoever painted it was able to capture for the animals.

   "At least he didn't have any-a ghost ones..." Beneath the magnificent felines, small nameplates proudly display their individual names along with the dates they once roamed the world. It's a heartwarming touch, making these cats feel more than just subjects of art but rather cherished companions with their own stories to tell.

   The idea of this iconic character mingling with these elegant beings brings a smile to my face, making me contemplate the potential depths of Bowser's character beyond his fearsome exterior.

   As I walked down the hallway, my attention was drawn to various paintings, and I couldn't help but notice that a significant number of them featured Bowser. It struck me as quite peculiar. I mean, sure, Bowser can be a tad self-centered, but why were there so many paintings of him? And what's even more bizarre is that they all depicted him in almost identical poses!

   I came across a restroom sign and I couldn't help but feel puzzled. I looked around for the door, and there they were – two torches placed on either side as if marking the entrance, but to my surprise, there was no door in sight. It was quite bizarre and left me wondering where the restroom could possibly be hidden.

   "What!??" Continuing down the hallway, my pace quickened, and I soon encountered another sign. It indicated that one direction led to the kitchen, while the other led to the soldiers' training and bunks. The thought of heading up to the training and bunks area didn't seem wise, so I decided to steer clear of that path. 

   I retraced my steps back to Jr's room and then walked through the bedroom hallway until I reached a final door. It appeared inconspicuous, yet there was an air of significance about it mostly by the design of the frame. Gripping the doorknob, I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what awaited me on the other side.

   In a burst of determination, I turned the knob and pushed the door open, only to be greeted by a surreal sight. A wash of dazzling lights engulfed me, and I felt a cool breeze gently caress my face. As my eyes adjusted, I realized that I had stepped into an outdoor space, a hidden oasis nestled within the confines of the castle.

   The scenery was breathtaking—a lush garden adorned with vibrant flowers and majestic trees. Above me, a canopy of stars decorated the night sky, illuminating the surroundings with a celestial glow. I was captivated by the enchanting ambiance, feeling as though I had stumbled upon a secret paradise. Does Bowser go here at times...? Does he like these flowers? There are even mushrooms!

    I strolled through the garden, I discovered a winding path leading to a quaint wooden bench. Settling down, I took a moment to absorb the serenity of my surroundings. After what seemed like an eternity, my search finally bore fruit as I caught sight of a door adorned with a distinctive bathroom sign. 

   "Finally!" Without hesitation, I carefully set aside my garments and made my way toward the door.  The door creaked slightly as I pushed it open, stepping inside, I was greeted by a quaint yet elegant bathroom, adorned with intricate details that mirrored the castle's beauty even while tucked away in the corner. No shower though sadly.

   I was finally able to relieve myself and went to wash my hands, splashing water onto my face when I was done trying to refresh myself a bit. I glanced up into the mirror, I couldn't help but notice my weary reflection staring back at me. The fatigue from the day was evident in the dark circles under my eyes and the slight slump of my shoulders. My pupils and iris went paler from the amount of stress realizing.

   Feeling a mix of emotions, I decided to take a moment to just stand there and gather my thoughts. The mirror became a portal into my own self, I shook my head causing my eyes to go back and I realized that I needed to find ways to take better care of myself amidst the whole being kidnapped thing.

   I went back to the bench to gather my clothes before heading back to the door I came from, to find the handle wouldn't work. I pushed out and in and it wouldn't budge. It... Locked behind me.  

   I ran around the garden, and my eyes searched intently for alternative routes to re-enter the castle. I observed the various paths and entrances, hoping to find an unlocked door or an open gate. To my dismay, every other garden entrance seemed to be firmly shut, leaving me feeling trapped in the outdoor expanse.

   Yes, I can just jump the walls and leave the castle, maybe go to the Mushroom Kingdom and stick it to my brother that I was able to get out all on my own but... I don't... I... I don't wanna think about this! All I wanted was to use the bathroom!!

   It is getting cold now.

   "Mama Mia..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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