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IsolatedA Red vs Blue (Halo) Fanfiction

DISCLAIMER! Just so we're clear, I'm not trying to act like I own Red vs Blue. It's a product of the minds of those at Rooster Teeth™. Red vs Blue is also made in association with Halo™, Xbox™, and 343 Industries™. All characters and main plot points are owned by Rooster Teeth™. I simply own any characters and filler ideas I create.

A/N: Okay, so you might find yourself wondering why the very first book in a series has significantly fewer reads/votes as its successors. The answer to that is simple: This wasn't always the first book. In very true to myself fashion, I went and done did things out of order. Like, way out of order. I was about a quarter of the way through writing one of the other books when I went and decided to bring this one into existence. I made the realization that I wanted the series to have a better starting point for future readers (sincere apologies go to everyone else who read the books before this one came into existence). And thus, here we are. Of course, as a quick overview, Red vs Blue is a webseries that was created by Rooster Teeth™ using the Xbox™ game series Halo™. In true RvB form, there will be swearing involved in the story. If you're not the biggest fan of vulgar language, this probably isn't for you. Other than that, I hope you enjoy this.

Also, please vote and comment. It'd be much appreciated.


***Hey! Might I add that Red vs Blue has 18 (soon to be 19) amazingly and idiotically hilarious seasons? You can watch them on YouTube, by downloading the Rooster Teeth™ app, or checking them out on the official website, You can also buy the seasons on regular DVD and BluRay — along with other RvB and Rooster Teeth™ merch — from Check it out!***

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