Prologue: Stranded

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Prologue: Stranded

Trapped in a small canyon in the middle of nowhere — it was a scenario Tucker knew all too well.

Ending up in a situation that strangely resembled the living conditions in Blood Gulch was the last thing the aqua clad soldier had expected after the crash. Though, Tucker had to admit one thing; as much as he'd hated his first outpost, it was still better than where he was now. At least Blood Gulch had been a relatively controlled environment. There had always been a steady stream of supplies. Here — wherever "here" was — they didn't have that luxury.

There was something else that was bothering Tucker about the whole situation. And it wasn't that the Reds had gone back to acting like assholes — more accurately Sarge had — or that Caboose was constantly following either him or Washington around. It wasn't even about the fact that Church and Carolina had just up and left. In fact, it wasn't about any of his friends at all.

It was because it felt like they were being watched. Almost every time they were outside, Tucker felt like someone's eyes were on him. But no one ever appeared; though that didn't mean they never would. Whoever was watching them would have to show up at some point.

And when they did, Tucker had a bad feeling their already shitty situation would get even worse.

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