1: Crash Landing

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1: Crash Landing

Present Day: Somewhere on the Edge of Colonized Space

The ship went down fast — there'd been almost zero warning. As soon as the emergency lights had begun flashing, it was already in a tailspin. The pilot tried to bring the ship out of it, but it was too late. As it plummeted from the sky, the vessel ripped apart; it split into two practically equal pieces. Agent Washington — a former special ops soldier — watched in shock as half of the ship's crew was sucked out and flung into nothingness. He'd activated his gravity boots, but still found himself gripping a bar on wall of the ship for added safety.

Looking around, his eyes searched frantically for the soldiers he'd boarded the ship with. He could see the Reds a little ways down, all hanging on for dear life. That made half the group accounted for. However, the Blues were nowhere to be seen. Neither was Agent Carolina — another former special ops soldier, and also Washington's former teammate. They had to be on the other half of the ship.

Suddenly, there was the deafening sound of crunching metal and a harsh jolt as the half of the ship hit the ground.

Wash lost his grip of the bar, and the force of the impact caused his grav boots to fail. He was sent sprawling across the floor, slamming into the other wall with a great deal of force. His vision was going in and out of focus and his ears were ringing as he began to lose consciousness. He couldn't focus on anything. Unable to will himself to move, Washington let himself give in to the blackness.

The amount of time that passed was unclear. It could've been hours or days. The only thing Wash was certain of was the sound of voices coming from somewhere close by. He picked his head up with a groan and looked around. His vision was still blurry, and he had a pounding headache, but he was able to make out the Reds' figures only a few feet away. They were talking amonst themselves — complaining would've been more accurate, rather. At least it sounded like they were all in one piece and fairly unscathed.

"Oh, man, the back of my head," Simmons grumbled. "Why does it always have to be the back of my head? I probably have a concussion now."

"You're not the only one. It feels like my head was split in half," Grif said. "And my shoulder hurts. How the hell did this happen, anyway?"

"Quit your complainin', morons. I'm sure there's a perfectly logical reason for this. And we should take this opportunity to go look around and investigate," Sarge stated.

"Shouldn't we try to go find everyone else? Where are the Blues? And Carolina?" Simmons asked.

Sarge grunted in annoyance. "Search and rescue doesn't sound like the most productive option. Especially since the Blues and Carolina used to be our enemy! Therefore, I say they're not the most important right now. We need to find out what's happened first!"

Simmons sighed. "Sarge, we haven't been fighting for a couple years now. Shouldn't we be more worried about if they're hurt or not? And what about Washington? He's been unconscious for a long time."

"I'm fine," Washington finally said as he sat up. His vision was clearer now, but his head was still pounding. "Thanks for noticing I was here, though. And I'm glad to see you guys are all in one piece and accounted for."

"Well, for the most part. We don't know where anyone else is," Simmons said.

"Let's be real here; I'm sure they're fine. I mean, Caboose could've gotten crushed and I'm sure we'd all be okay with it. But with our luck, he's indestructible like Donut. I still don't understand how that guy survived be crushed by that ship before," Grif commented.

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