18: Special Delivery

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18: Special Delivery

Present Day: Unspecified Location (Somewhere On the Edge of Colonized Space)

Felix followed the directions on his H.U.D., closing in on a remote fueling station. Locus's tracker had pinged there almost an hour ago and he hadn't moved since — he also wasn't answering his comms. The mercenary was sure his partner was listening in and just opting not to respond, but curiosity was getting the better of him. Since General Kimball believed he was off checking in on the Reds and Blues, it bought him a good amount of time. And while Felix strongly disliked having to work so closely with his former associate, he was going to take every opportunity possible to bother the other mercenary. After all, getting on people's nerves was one of the things he did best — not to mention one of the things he enjoyed doing the most.

As he approached the fueling station, Felix spotted a Mongoose that was carefully stashed in a cluster of bushes and other loose brush. Locus was still there. However, so was an unauthorized Pelican. The ship was just docking at the fueling station as the mercenary arrived. Whoever was on the ship wasn't meant to be on Chorus.

Felix moved quickly and carefully toward the entrance of the fueling station. He didn't hesitate to duck inside; there was no need to risk getting caught. Then again, if the pilot was alone, the mercenary most likely would've been left alone anyway. Regardless, he or she wasn't going to be leaving the planet.

The gray and orange clad soldier made his way through the small fueling station until he found his partner. Locus didn't turn when he approached, but Felix could tell his partner knew he was there. The other soldier simply held up a hand to stop him without so much as glancing his way.

"Stay away from the microphone," Locus stated firmly. "I'm doing the talking."

Felix crossed his arms and leaned against the wall as he watched the Pelican finish docking on the monitor. "Awe, c'mon; how come you get to have all the fun?"

Locus finally turned his head slightly toward the other mercenary. "You're not even supposed to be here right now."

"True. But I'm temporarily free from Kimball, and I got bored."

"I don't see how that's my problem."

"In case you forgot, I'm always your problem. Now, if you don't wanna listen to me complain about my boredom, I'd suggest you let me do something."

"You can be quiet and initiate the fueling sequence. If you say one word, I won't hesitate to put a bullet through your skull. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal. Though you don't have to be so dramatic about it," Felix told him. He walked over to the control panel and looked at the monitor. The pilot had finished docking the Pelican and was exiting the ship. "Showtime," he muttered. "Try to be a little more personable, will ya?"

Locus made a low growling noise, and Felix could picture the other mercenary rolling his eyes in annoyance. Felix smirked to himself, feeling a bit smug — irritating his partner was one of his favorite pasttimes. The other mercenary made it so easy to do; Felix's very existance seemed to annoy him. It was a fact the knife-wielding soldier took full advantage of every chance he got. If he was going to be forced to work with his former partner, he was going to make sure he found a way to make it more enjoyable for himself.

The pilot made their way over to the terminal, coming to a stop near a speaker on the wall. "Hey, do you think it's possible I could get some fuel on dock three? I'm pretty much empty, and I've got a long flight ahead of me."

"Of course. Not a problem." Locus gave a slight nod to Felix as he spoke.

Felix made sure to stay quiet, but gave a mocking salute to the other mercenary before starting the fuel pump. Locus didn't hesitate to flip him off; Felix just chuckled quietly in response. Annoying his partner when there was nothing he could do about it just made the action even more satisfying.

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