15: Change Of Command

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15: Change Of Command

Present Day: Somewhere on the Edge of Colonized Space

Tucker stood with the rest of his team, looking at the two Reds who'd just crashed in front of the base. He couldn't believe what was happening. First, Washington made him and Caboose run drills while the former freelancer just disappeared. Then Grif and Simmons decided to come spy on them, which ultimately led to Simmons — for some ungodly reason — choosing to stay with them at Blue Base. After all of that, Wash came back and things almost immediately escalated into an argument. Then, to top everything off, Sarge and Grif came barreling at their base in a jeep, looking like they were ready to fight. At least, Sarge seemed like he was ready to fight; Grif seemed to be objecting to his C.O.'s crazy plan.

"You two literally have the worst fucking timing," Tucker told the two Reds.

"Stow it, thin mint! I don't wanna hear it! From this moment on, we are no longer fraternizing with the enemy!" Sarge exclaimed.

"Did you really just call me 'thin mint'?" Tucker asked, feeling slightly offended. "Bitch, my armor is aqua! I think. At least, that's what I've been calling it all these years."

"See, when this senile old bastard says 'we', he really means him. Just imagine he's only referring to himself," Grif said, ignoring the other soldier's comment.

"What the hell do you two think you're doing?" Washington demanded.

"Again, not 'two'. It's just him. I cannot stress this point enough — it was all his idea," Grif corrected, gesturing to his team leader.

Sarge aimed his shotgun at the former freelancer. "You were the one that made me believe that Reds and Blues could coexist! That we could work together and be a little . . . purple. But it was all lies!"

"But we can coexist. We have been — I mean, we still are! Seriously, what the hell is this all about?" Wash asked.

"You sneaky Blue bastards kidnapped one of my men!" Sarge accused.

Simmons pointed at himself. "Who, me? You think I was kidnapped?"

Tucker looked at the Red leader. "Your guy wasn't kidnapped, dipshit. He came over here on his own, and now we can't get him to fucking leave!"

Sarge looked at the maroon clad soldier. "Is that true, Simmons? You chose to stay with the enemy?"

"I swear, it's not your fault, sir. It's Grif's," Simmons stated.

"Me? How is this my fault? What did I do?" Grif asked his teammate.

"You're fucking disgusting, Grif!" Simmons snapped. "I couldn't take it anymore!"

"Okay, but I've always been like that," the orange clad soldier countered. "I've literally been like that since you met me. In case you forgot, Sarge was the one who decided he needed to take half the base for himself."

Simmons paused and seemed to think for a moment before looking to his C.O. and saying, "Never mind, sir. I guess it was your fault this time."

Sarge quickly turned and aimed his gun at Simmons. "Then I guess that makes you a traitor! Again!"

"What?!" Simmons exclaimed.

"Threat level increased," Freckles announced, then stood a bit straighter to increase his height.

"Yeah, um, there's really no reason for panic. Everything's fine," Caboose said as he looked around at the group. "By chance would someone be able to have a rolled up newspaper at the ready just in case?"

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