13: Alone Time

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13: Alone Time

Present Day: Somewhere on the Edge of Colonized Space

Everyone stood in complete silence for what felt like an eternity, not even daring to do so much as twitch a muscle. The Mantis towered over the group as they all simply stood and stared. Washington couldn't help it — there was something about staring at a giant, killer robot terrified him a bit. It was bad enough that he and cars didn't get along; there was no way letting a Mantis run free near the base would be a good thing. Especially not when said giant robot was attached to Caboose.

"Um, Sarge? I think you should take your men and head back to your base now. I think I need to have a little talk with Caboose," Washington told the Red C.O.

"A little talk? Son, it better be more than just a little talk to take care of this problem," Sarge said. He turned cautiously to Grif and Simmons, still clearly trying to keep an eye on the war machine that was locked on them. "All right, men; time to head home. On the double! Get movin'!"

With zero hesitation, the other two soldiers took off running across the canyon, their leader not far behind. Wash let out a quiet sigh of relief. That was one threat eliminated — no need to have the Mantis kill one of the Reds and start something. Wash was already having a hard enough time keeping things in order as it was. Figuring it to be just slightly safer, the former freelancer ushered his team — as well as the Mantis — toward the center of their makeshift base.

Once inside, the three Blues continued to stand in silence for a bit longer. Despite what he'd told the Reds, the former freelancer had no idea how to start the conversation with his childlike teammate. He didn't want to hurt Caboose's feelings, but the blue clad soldier's new robotic friend created a very big problem.

"So, uh. . . ." Tucker started, but almost immediately stopped himself when the Mantis turned in his direction. "Never mind. Wasn't that important."

"Look, Caboose," Wash said, trying to ignore the robot that was now focused on him. "I really need you to explain something, buddy. Can you tell me again where you happened to find this . . . robot?"

"His name is Freckles," Caboose corrected.

"That's a really stupid name," Tucker mumbled to himself. However, he didn't say it quiet enough. The robot heard and turned its guns back to him, causing Tucker to backtrack quickly. "Uh, I mean it's a stupid-cool name! It's great. Man, I wish that could be my name. Oh, yeah. Freckles is the absolute best name that there ever was."

"If you wanted to get technical about it, it's actually a Mantis class military assault droid. Real heavy machinery," Wash stated.

"Huh? Why do they call it a Mantis?"

"Well, do you see how the legs are shaped? They kinda resemble the back legs of a praying mantis."

"Are you high? They really don't resemble that at all."

"Okay, than if it's not the legs that make it similar, maybe it's the head shape?"

"Or maybe it's because during the act of procreation, the mantis will rip off the head of their mate and eat it," Caboose suggested way too casually. "It's kinda like an act of sexual cannibalism. It's kinda weird. And violent."

"Ew, what the hell? How do you even know that?" Wash asked, feeling slightly disturbed by the information he just learned.

"Eh, I'm pretty sure I've dated worse," Tucker said. "Also, I think I speak for both of us when I say; whenever we have access to TV again, Caboose isn't allowed to watch the Discovery Channel anymore."

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