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This world was terrible.

It took my only reason for sanity because of rules and regulations they had to follow in order to make it a better place. But this place could never get better. This place was tiring, to say the least. All I could do was lay there and ponder on why the world put such high value on fame, physical beauty, and a shallow definition of success than it has in character, honesty, and sincere heart.

I turned my head towards the window. It was day time. There was honestly no point in running anymore because honestly if I ran, where would I run to? I could go to the shop-THE SHOP!

My body shot upwards. My eyes were ready to bulge out of their sockets as I thought about the shop not being opened. I know that some staff has the key but the fact that there wouldn't be any pastries to sell is the concern.

I pushed the sheets off my body and swung my legs over the bed. I couldn't care less about how I look or what I was wearing, that store was the only thing I had left connecting me to my late mother.

I rush over to the window. I opened in, allowing that rush of air to come into the room. Glancing at the door, I didn't want to risk getting captured but jumping out the window would possibly fracture something but maybe if I hit the landing right, the expected outcome wouldn't be bad.

The moment I pulled my leg upwards from the ground ready to steady myself before I launch myself upwards. I looked straight. today was just full of surprises.

As I slowly focused my eyes ahead, a rich hue of blue came straight at me, hitting me in my stomach. I felt a balled fist make contact with my muscle, watching it smash my entrails together like a rogue freight train. I felt blood vessels burst and my diaphragm collapse under the force the fist packed behind it. Oddly enough, the fist continued to thrust upward until my liver and stomach stopped the thing's knuckles from clashing into my spine.

My breath instantly left me for dead as I doubled over. My knees buckled from the force of the blow, and as I went down, I swear I heard a cracking noise ricochet between my ribs. The fire ran through every fiber of my abdomen, and I tasted bile, adrenaline, and a hint of blood.

As my crumpled body hit the ground, I gasped for air, but oxygen eluded my grasp. My head was swimming as my organs regained their original volume.

"I hope you weren't planning on leaving."

I slowly lifted my body up to all fours and slowly turned my head towards the voice to see a tall man with short black hair that was shaved at the side of his head, a mustache goatee combination, looking down at me with a stern look on his face.

I felt hot with anger. My knuckles turned white from clenching my fist too hard, and I gritted teeth from the effort to remain silent, my hunched form exuded an animosity that was like acid - burning, slicing, potent. I hated these people so much.

"Don't worry about your store, we placed a sign up alerting the customers of an unknown trip you would have to take," he mentioned as he walked into the room and took a seat right where Gojo had sat.

I still was silent. I had nothing to say to him. I didn't move from my form, I just looked at him stoically. Disgusted at the fact he could just casually walk in here.

"Might want to get yourself back in your bed so we can talk properly."

Without my permission, I felt my body being pulled up and placed back into my bed. I immediately began fighting back as I fired a punch at the entity holding me down and soon other of its kind began tackling me down.

"how he is able to do this with just stuff animals,"

I tried taking one of them and throwing them across the room, but more and more came my way, pinning me down to the bed.


The voice reverberated off the whites wall of the room. The stuffed animals on me no longer moved. I slowly pushed them off my body situated myself to sitting upwards. Looking around the room.

The man was sitting in his chair looking in the stuffed animals' direction but not moving. I turned my head towards the window and walked towards it was shocked. In front of the window, a pigeon was still in the air, wings raised high and feet held straight, close to landing on the handrail-froze in place as if the laws of gravity no longer applied to them, and people were caught mid-stride. The lack of movement was jarring. It was as if, everything had come to a halt-a standstill.

What the fuck was going on?

I looked back at the stuffed animals as they were in a pile on my bed where they had me tackled and some were in mid-air ready to continue the assault.

The man whose ability allowed him to do this was unable to move his head from the stuffed animals and focus his attention on me.

I soon turned my head towards the small clock in the room and noticed that the time on the clock's face appeared to be halted. And it was that little fact, that time itself appeared to be frozen, that allowed me to tilt my head in confusion.

I guess I was faced with three options now, wait around for time to start back up again, break the curse and continue with the interrogation or head to the store. But this man did tell me they faked a trip for customers to realize the store won't be open and it seemed as if he wasn't lying.

I sighed, "Continue."

Everything eventually started to move again. The stuffed animals in mid-air assault came down. The bird that was flying by, passed through. It was strange watching everything suddenly come back into motion, in fact, it was even more jarring than when it all stopped. Everything flowed on as if it had never stopped.

"Interesting," the man mentioned as he blinked owlishly at me, "Are you apart of the Inumaki Clan?"

"They are distant relatives of mine," I mentioned as I leaned against the wall and looked at the man. I can tell from the way his eyes are scanning me, he was looking for the "Snake and Fangs" seal of the Inumaki clan on my tongue and both sides of my mouth.

"So you are capable of using Curse Energy?" he asked.

"I am," I mentioned.

"Then why aren't you in school for proper training?"

"Because I cannot afford to be in school," I said simply while glancing out the window soon glaring when I noticed a certain white head glancing up at my window smiling at me and waving enthusiastically.

"I see," he mentions, "Explain why you hide a special grade curse spirit."

"Because she is...was my mother..."

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