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"Just why was he unable to get the concept of leaving me alone? Just what is his game?" I questioned before taking a deep breath in and out.

I helped bring a sense of calm indifference washed over me. The encounter with Gojo sure had been unexpected, but I refused to let it affect the rest of my evening.

My steps were confident and steady as I approached our table to see Gojo playing it off like nothing happened as he laughing and leaning on his girl.

It seemed that Gojo had swapped with Suguru. At least now, he was sitting beside his date rather than across from her. And he seemed more affectionate than he had prior to the bathroom trip.

I soon looked around and could feel the eyes of other patrons in the restaurant lingering on me, curious about what had just transpired prior to going to the bathroom. But I held my head high, refusing to let their scrutiny bother me. This was my night, and nothing would dampen its spirit nor would I let Gojo's little game mess with me mentally.

As I made it to the table, I took a seat gracefully next to Geto, sliding into place effortlessly. With an effortless smile playing on my lips, I met his gaze and saw understanding reflected back at me. There was no need for words; he knew that this encounter meant nothing more than a passing moment in time.

I soon turned my attention towards the food Geto chose for myself and was amazed.

"The food looks so delicious," I praised

My mouth watered as I gazed at the delicious hamburger sitting before me. The bun was perfectly toasted, with a golden hue that hinted at its crispness. As I looked closer, I could see hints of sesame seeds scattered across the top, adding an extra touch of visual appeal

The patty itself was thick and juicy, seared to perfection with tantalizing grill marks etched into its surface. It seemed to be calling out to me, promising a burst of savory flavor with each bite. My eyes followed the trail of melted cheese cascading down the sides, oozing over the edges and creating a mouthwatering sight.On top of the patty lay an array of vibrant toppings that added both color and texture to this culinary masterpiece. Crisp lettuce leaves provided a refreshing crunch while ripe tomato slices offered a burst of juiciness. Thinly sliced red onions added just enough tanginess, complementing the richness of the meat.

But it was not just these traditional elements that caught my attention; there were also unique additions that elevated this burger to new heights. A smoky barbecue sauce peeked out from between layers like liquid gold, teasing my taste buds with promises of sweet and tangy flavors dancing on my tongue.As I lifted the burger in my hands, feeling its weight and warmth against my palms, anticipation coursed through me. The aroma wafted up towards me - a delectable combination of grilled meat mingling with fragrant spices and fresh ingredients.

Finally ready for that first bite, I opened my mouth wide and sank my teeth into this culinary marvel. Flavors exploded on my palate as all those carefully crafted ingredients melded together in perfect harmony—a symphony for taste buds—leaving me craving more with every delightful chew.

"HMMMMM!!!! This is so good!" I moaned out.


My attention turned to who said that to see Gojo, sitting across from me, no longer flirting with his girlfriend but instead was looking at me with an intensity in his eyes. His focus was solely on me as if nothing else in the world mattered. I couldn't help but feel a hint of self-consciousness as I chewed and swallowed, aware of his watchful presence. But then something shifted in his expression - a flicker of admiration and affection danced across his face. It was as if he found joy in watching me enjoy something as simple as eating.

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