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"SAAAYAAAA-CHAN!!!" Gojo yelled as he threw the door open to see that I held Suguru's gaze unwaveringly, my own emotions a tumultuous mix of uncertainty and desire. There was a magnetic pull between us, a palpable tension that seemed to crackle in the air. 

"Eh?" Gojo said questioning puzzled at what he was witnessing, "Could you not touch him so casually, please?"

My heart was pounding in my chest, and I could feel a rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. 

Suguru smiled pulling me towards him. As Suguru leans in, I feel a gentle warmth on my forehead, a soft touch that sends a shiver down my spine. His lips press tenderly against my skin, leaving a lingering sensation that feels both familiar and electrifying at the same time.

I look up at Suguru, and our eyes meet. His dark, intense gaze holds mine captive, and I feel a rush of emotions coursing through me. His breath is warm against my skin as he speaks, his voice low and velvety, sending a thrill down my spine

Suguru Geto stood up from his chair, feeling a slight stiffness in his muscles from sitting for too long. He rolled his shoulders, the tension melting away as he extended his arms above his head, stretching his entire body. His movements were fluid and graceful, showcasing his flexibility and strength.

He arched his back, feeling a satisfying crack in his spine as he tilted his head from side to side, loosening up his neck. He then reached down to touch his toes, his body bending effortlessly at the waist, displaying his agility and suppleness.

"Should I pick you up at 6 pm for our date?"

"Date?!" Gojo shouted, "What did you just say you home-wrecker!"

"Yeah, Principal Yagi should allow me to go since I am going with you," I responded with a small smile.

"I shall see you then," Suguru mentioned. 

"I'll pick you up for our date," Suguru murmurs, his lips still close to my forehead, as if imprinting his words onto my skin. His words are a gentle reminder, a promise that makes my heart skip a beat.

I felt the warmth rising in my cheeks, I knew that I was blushing. It was a light, delicate flush that spread across my skin, starting from the apples of my cheeks and extending towards my temples. The color was a soft pink, like a gentle glow that seemed to highlight my features and give me a rosy radiance.

"He was playing his part a little too well..."

Suguru's presence was magnetic, and I found myself drawn to his confident aura. His suave charm and smooth words were enticing, and I couldn't help but be captivated by his attention.

I couldn't help but notice a flicker of jealousy in Gojo's eyes as he stood nearby, and it sent a thrill through me.

Gojo, usually so composed and confident, looked almost unsettled by the news. I could see a flash of possessiveness in his gaze as if he didn't want to share me with anyone else. It was a side of him that I hadn't seen before, and it sent a surge of excitement through me.

His jaw tensed, and his expression turned serious, signaling his disapproval.

"First name basis, spending time with each other, and now you both are going out on Friday?" Gojo mentioned with his words laced with a hint of jealousy, "You can't go out with him!"

While Gojo ranted about why I should go out with Suguru, I tried to maintain a calm exterior, pretending to be engrossed in a book. I held the book in my hands, flipping through the pages, but my attention was divided between the words on the page and Gojo's animated gestures and passionate complaints.

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